如何在 Windows 8 上安装 Windows 7 驱动程序?

如何在 Windows 8 上安装 Windows 7 驱动程序?

我找不到适用于 Windows 8 的视频卡驱动程序,但有适用于 Windows 7 和 Vista 的驱动程序。我在想我是否可以以某种方式强制将 Windows 7 版本安装在我的 Windows 8 上。




  1. 选择exe您想要运行的

  2. 右键单击exe导航至properties

  3. 选择Compatablity mode并检查select the Run This Program in Compatibility Mode For check box.


选择osrun the program

据微软介绍,PCA 可用于以下用途:

App fails to Install or Uninstall
App fails to run with a Windows version check message
App fails to launch due to administrative privilege
App crashes due to specific memory problems
App fails due to mismatched system files
App fails due to Unhandled Errors on 64-bit Windows
App fails while attempting to delete protected non-Windows files
App fails while attempting to modify Windows files
App fails due to using 8- or 16-bit color modes
App fails due to graphics and display issues
App fails to declare DPI awareness
App fails due to missing Windows features
App fails due to unsigned drivers on 64-bit Windows 8
Tracking apps installed through compatibility settings
App fails to launch installers or updaters
App installers that need to run with administrative privilege
Legacy Control Panel applets that need to run with administrative privilege

