我正在使用 bash 并有一个 csv 文件 (dat.csv),该文件只需两列(App、Blurb)数据,但由于每行上有许多“,”,它变成了许多列。
问题 csv.dat 的示例:
App , Blurb
diff, this is the diff program, bla bla bla, yadda yadda
word, this is ms product, it is not very good, I dont like it
dd, this is a Linux disk application , its awesome!, bla bla, ttly
我遇到的问题是,因为 'Blurb' col 有额外的 ',' 数据通过管道传输到 dat.csv 文件的后续列(c、d 等)。
目标是将每行中除第一个“,”之外的所有内容更改为“COMMA”,以便所有“Blurb”数据保留在 B 列中。
App, Blurb
diff, this is the diff program<COMMMA> bla bla bla<COMMA> yadda yadda
word, this is ms product<COMMA> it is not very good<COMMA> I dont like it
dd, this is a Linux disk application <COMMA> its awesome!<COMMA>bla bla<COMMA> ttly
使用 GNU sed
sed 's/,/<COMMA>/2g' infile
sed 's/,/<COMMA>/g; s/<COMMA>/,/' infile
sed -e '
y/,/\n/ ;# change all commas to newlines, which are guaranteed to not be there
s/\n/,/ ;# then change the first of those newlines to a comma, i.e., restore
s//<COMMA>/g ;# and all the remaining newline(s) change to <COMMA>
' dat.csv
也许您可以在字段周围加上引号,这应该告诉 csv 解析器内部的逗号不是字段分隔符:
sed 's/"/""/g; # escape existing " as ""
s/[[:space:]]*,[[:space:]]*/","/; # replace the first , and the
# whitespace around it with ","
s/^[[:space:]]*/"/; # add a " at the start (and
# get rid of whitespace there)
s/[[:space:]]*$/"/; # same at the end'