Linux - 如何超频 ATI Radeon GPU - Sapphire R9 270

Linux - 如何超频 ATI Radeon GPU - Sapphire R9 270

我有一台蓝宝石 R9 270 (精确模型),我读到过它可以超频到与 270x 类似的速度。如何在 Linux 下实现这一点?


您需要使用amdconfigAMD 驱动程序附带的工具。如果您这样做,amdconfig --help您将获得类似以下内容:

AMD Overdrive (TM) options:
  The following options are used to get and set current and peak, core
  and memory clock information as well as read the current temperature of
  adapters.  By using the "--adapter=" argument the AMD Overdrive (TM)
  options can be targeted to a particular adapter in a multi-adapter scenario.
  If no adapter is explicitly targeted the commands will be run on the Default
  adapter as indicated by the "--list-adapters" command

        Unlocks the ability to change core or memory clock values by
        acknowledging that you have read and understood the AMD Overdrive (TM)
        disclaimer and accept responsibility for and recognize the potential
        dangers posed to your hardware by changing the default core or memory

        Disables AMD Overdrive(TM) set related aticonfig options.  Previously
        commited core and memory clock values will remain, but will not be set
        on X Server restart.

  --odgc, --od-getclocks
        Lists various information regarding current core and memory clock
        Including: current and peak clocks
                   the theoretical range clocks can be set to
                   the current load on the GPU

  --odsc, --od-setclocks={NewCoreClock|0,NewMemoryClock|0}
        Sets the core and memory clock to the values specified in MHz
        The new clock values must be within the theoretical ranges provided
        by --od-getclocks.  If a 0 is passed as either the NewCoreClock or
        NewMemoryClock it will retain the previous value and not be changed.
        There is no guarantee that the attempted clock values will succeed
        even if they lay inside the theoretical range.  These newly set
        clock values will revert to the default values if they are not
        committed using the "--od-commitclocks" command before X is

  --odrd, --od-restoredefaultclocks
        Sets the core and memory clock to the default values.
        Warning X needs to be restarted before these clock changes will take

  --odcc, --od-commitclocks
        Once the stability of a new set of custom clocks has been proven this
        command will ensure that the Adapter will attempt to run at these new
        values whenever X is restarted
  --odgt, --od-gettemperature
        Returns the temperature reported by any thermal sensors available on
        the adapter.


amdconfig --od-enable


amdconfig --odsc=coreclock,memclock

例如,我通过运行以下命令对我的 ASUS 7850 进行超频:amdconfig --odsc=950,1320即超频 10%。

