如何在 Windows Server 2003 中查找每个用户的配额文件?

如何在 Windows Server 2003 中查找每个用户的配额文件?

我有一台 Windows Server 2003 R1,其中有 150 名用户使用受配额限制的磁盘中的某些文件夹。我要求用户删除旧文件,但他们不知道哪些文件是他们自己的,所以他们可以删除它们。我如何查看文件夹或磁盘中每个用户拥有的文件列表?是否有 Windows 管理工具,我可以从 Windows 7 或 8 或任何(Linux?)PC 上使用来实现此目的?


显示文件和所有者帐户的简单方法是使用 命令提示符中的命令-q参数。可以通过以下方式进行更有选择性的显示:dir

dir /q | find "Administrator"


dir /q /s | findstr "Administrator Directory"

另一个解决方案是通过 Windows 资源管理器:右键单击某一列并选择显示Owner





通过获取此信息并导出为 CSV,您可以在 Excel 中对文件进行分组,以查看哪些文件太大、哪些文件太少使用以及哪些文件的数量超出应有的数量。

当我必须完成类似任务时,我使用了以下 VBS。此脚本将提示您输入基本文件夹并递归其下的所有内容。完成后,将在脚本本身所在的同一文件夹中创建一个 CSV:

on error resume next

' Flags for browse dialog
Const BIF_returnonlyfsdirs   = &H0001
Const BIF_dontgobelowdomain  = &H0002
Const BIF_statustext         = &H0004
Const BIF_returnfsancestors  = &H0008
Const BIF_editbox            = &H0010
Const BIF_validate           = &H0020
Const BIF_browseforcomputer  = &H1000
Const BIF_browseforprinter   = &H2000
Const BIF_browseincludefiles = &H4000

Const ForReading = 1
Const ForWriting = 2
Const ForAppending = 8

Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objDlg = WScript.CreateObject("Shell.Application")
Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set objNetwork = CreateObject("WScript.Network") 

'Get the Source Folder
' Use the BrowseForFolder method.
Set objStartFolder = objDlg.BrowseForFolder (&H0, _
    "Please select the FOLDER to report on.", BIF_editbox + BIF_returnonlyfsdirs)

' Here we use TypeName to detect the result.
If InStr(1, TypeName(objStartFolder), "Folder") > 0 Then
    sourceFolder = objStartFolder.ParentFolder.ParseName(objStartFolder.Title).Path
    MsgBox "An error has occured: Unable to read destination folder"
End if

'Ask to open the report now or just close
strMbox = MsgBox("Are youn sure you want to run the report of: " & sourceFolder & chr(13) & chr(10) & chr(13) & chr(10) & "If you continue this may take an exteneded period of time, a message will be displayed when complete, continue?",4,"Are you sure?")

if strMbox = 6 Then
    currentScriptPath = Replace(WScript.ScriptFullName, WScript.ScriptName, "") 
    reportFile = currentScriptPath & "File_Properties_Report.csv"

    'OpenTextFile(destination, forwriting, createnew, open as Unicode) 
    Set objReportFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(reportFile, ForWriting, True, True)

    'Add headers
    objReportFile.Write("Path, Size(kb), Type, Created, Last Accessed, Last Modified, Owner"  & chr(13) & chr(10))

    'Run though file report process
    ReportFiles sourceFolder

    'Close the file 

    strMbox = MsgBox("Report Complete")
End if

Function ReportFiles(currentFolder)
   Dim objFolder, objFile, fileCollection, folderCollection, subFolder

   Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(currentFolder)
   Set fileCollection = objFolder.Files

   For Each objFile In fileCollection

        'Get File Properties
        strFilePath = objFile.Path
        strFileName = objFile.Name
        strFileSize = objFile.Size / 1024
        strFileType = objFile.Type
        strFileDateCreated = objFile.DateCreated
        strFileDateLastAccessed = objFile.DateLastAccessed
        strFileDateLastModified = objFile.DateLastModified

        'Get File owner
        strFileOwnerDomain = ""
        strFileOwner = ""

        strComputer = "."
            Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _
            & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")

        if strFileType <> "Shortcut" or InStr(1,strFileName, "AlbumArt",1) = 0 or InStr(1,strFileName, "£",1) Then
            Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery ("ASSOCIATORS OF {Win32_LogicalFileSecuritySetting=""" & Replace(strFilePath, "\", "\\") & """}" & " WHERE AssocClass=Win32_LogicalFileOwner ResultRole=Owner")

            For Each objItem in colItems
                strFileOwnerDomain =  objItem.ReferencedDomainName
                strFileOwner = objItem.AccountName
        End If

        objReportFile.Write(chr(34) & strFilePath & chr(34) & ", " _
                            &  Round(strFileSize,2) & ", " _
                            & chr(34) & strFileType & chr(34) & "," _
                            & strFileDateCreated & "," _
                            & strFileDateLastAccessed & "," _
                            & strFileDateLastModified & "," _
                            & chr(34) & strFileOwnerDomain & "\" & strFileOwner & chr(34) & "," _
                            & chr(13) & chr(10))    

    'Loop for each sub folder
    Set folderCollection = objFolder.SubFolders

    For Each subFolder In folderCollection
       ReportFiles subFolder.Path
End Function


如果您只想获取特定用户的信息,您可以随时告诉 VBS 仅写出类似以下内容的匹配项:

strTargetUser = "domain\person"
if strFileOwnerDomain & "\" & strFileOwner = strTargetUser then
objReportFile.Write(chr(34) & strFilePath & chr(34) & ", " _
                            &  Round(strFileSize,2) & ", " _
                            & chr(34) & strFileType & chr(34) & "," _
                            & strFileDateCreated & "," _
                            & strFileDateLastAccessed & "," _
                            & strFileDateLastModified & "," _
                            & chr(34) & strFileOwnerDomain & "\" & strFileOwner & chr(34) & "," _
                            & chr(13) & chr(10))  
end if
