在 WiFi 和 LAN 之间分配带宽

在 WiFi 和 LAN 之间分配带宽

我有一台TP-LINKADSL2+ 调制解调器,想知道是否有办法按我想要的比例分配 WiFi 连接和 LAN 连接的带宽?
例如,1/4 带宽用于 WiFi,其余用于 LAN
操作系统:Windows 7

编辑:根据Abhioxic的建议,我在 上找到了 QoS,如下所示。我认为现在更接近了,但下一步该怎么做?




使用类似以下命令启用 QoS本指南对于您想要做的事情来说应该足够了。


Log into the Web Interface 

Select the NAT/QoS tab and then the QoS sub-tab. 

Click "Enable" 

Set Port to "WAN". The term WAN here refers to the WAN connection on your router while
the term "LAN & WLAN" refers to the combination of your local ports and Wifi
connections. Selecting "WAN" will apply QoS only to traffic moving into or out of your
network, while selecting "LAN & WLAN" will apply QoS to ALL traffic passing through
the router on your network. Selecting "LAN & WLAN" will limit WLAN<->WLAN and
LAN<->WLAN transfer speeds to the lowest of the uplink/downlink speeds that you set
while also limiting the LAN & WLAN<->WAN rates, and thus will not be the preferred
solution for most people. 

Select HFSC as your packet scheduler. 

Select FQ_CODEL as your queueing discipline. 

Set your upload and download speeds. You can use a speed test like Speedtest.net to
check your actual connection speed. Some ISPs also provide their own bandwidth testing
service, which may be more reliable than the links provided. Enter no higher than 
90% of the values you measured into the proper fields. After you have everything set 
run the speed test again. If you get near 90% of your previous measurement in each
direction then things are cool. If you get results which are way off then chances
are that you have reversed these values. You must enter a value for the uplink field
but if you want you can enter 0 for the downlink field in which case no QoS will occur
in that direction though setting your downlink field to 0 isn't recommended. 


我可以建议一个技巧。通过保留或 DynDNS 将您的计算机 IP 设为静态。在您的路由器页面 ( / 上搜索 QoS 服务。如果您的路由器支持它,您可以沿着连接到您的网络的各种 IP 分配带宽,或者执行 1/4 带宽操作。做一点研究,因为您没有提供太多信息。动态 DNS:www.dyndns.com QoS:http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quality_of_service 编辑:很难弄清楚上面显示的 QoS 设置,甚至支持人员也没有回答这个问题。但是这里有一个 TPLink 手册的链接,其中提供了 QoS 信息。链接: http://www.tp-link.in/resources/software/2008529201864.pdf
