在哪里检查 Windows 服务启动历史记录

在哪里检查 Windows 服务启动历史记录

我怀疑上次 Windows 7 重启时,某个重要服务没有正常启动。我搜索了事件日志,但要搜索的地方太多了。事件日志中是否有地方可以找到以下至少一项?

  • 服务启动
  • 服务关闭
  • 服务启动失败
  • 服务运行失败(崩溃)



将以下内容复制并粘贴到 Powershell 中,以便按服务名称搜索最近的日志:

$search = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter Search Term"; (Get-EventLog -LogName System -Source "Service Control Manager" -after (Get-Date).AddDays(-1) | Select-Object -Property TimeGenerated, EntryType, Source, Message) -match $search | Sort-Object TimeGenerated | Format-Table -AutoSize -Wrap


PS C:\Users\Administrator> $search = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter Search Term"; (Get-EventLog -LogName System
 -Source "Service Control Manager" -after (Get-Date).AddDays(-1) | Select-Object -Property TimeGenerated,
EntryType, Source, Message) -match $search | Sort-Object TimeGenerated | Format-Table -AutoSize -Wrap
Enter Search Term: monitor

TimeGenerated          EntryType Source                  Message
-------------          --------- ------                  -------
9/10/2020 4:08:22 AM Information Service Control Manager The ServerMonitorService service
                                                         entered the stopped state.
9/10/2020 4:09:40 AM       Error Service Control Manager The ServerMonitorService service
                                                         failed to start due to the following error:
9/10/2020 4:09:40 AM       Error Service Control Manager A timeout was reached (30000 milliseconds)
                                                         while waiting for the
                                                         ServerMonitorService service to


Get-EventLog -LogName System  -Source "Service Control Manager" -after (Get-Date).AddDays(-1) | Sort-Object TimeGenerated | Format-Table -AutoSize -Wrap


 Index Time         EntryType   Source                  InstanceID Message
 ----- ----         ---------   ------                  ---------- -------
298330 Sep 10 04:22 Information Service Control Manager 1073748860 The defragsvc service entered the
                                                                   stopped state.
298331 Sep 10 04:33 Information Service Control Manager 1073748869 A service was installed in the system.

                                                                   Service Name:  MpKsl69e56c4b
                                                                   Service File Name:
                                                                   Defender\Definition Updates\{E6CB5B58-
                                                                   Service Type:  kernel mode driver
                                                                   Service Start Type:  system start
                                                                   Service Account:
298333 Sep 10 04:34 Information Service Control Manager 1073748864 The start type of the Background
                                                                   Intelligent Transfer Service service
                                                                   was changed from demand start to auto
298332 Sep 10 04:34 Information Service Control Manager 1073748860 The Background Intelligent Transfer
                                                                   Service service entered the running
298335 Sep 10 04:34 Information Service Control Manager 1073748860 The AppXSvc service entered the
                                                                   running state.
298334 Sep 10 04:34 Information Service Control Manager 1073748860 The StateRepository service entered
                                                                   the running state.
298337 Sep 10 04:35 Information Service Control Manager 1073748860 The StateRepository service entered
                                                                   the stopped state.
298339 Sep 10 04:36 Information Service Control Manager 1073748860 The Background Intelligent Transfer
                                                                   Service service entered the stopped
298338 Sep 10 04:36 Information Service Control Manager 1073748864 The start type of the Background
                                                                   Intelligent Transfer Service service
                                                                   was changed from auto start to demand
298340 Sep 10 04:39 Information Service Control Manager 1073748860 The AppXSvc service entered the
                                                                   stopped state.
298341 Sep 10 04:49 Information Service Control Manager 1073748860 The WinHttpAutoProxySvc service
                                                                   entered the stopped state.
298342 Sep 10 04:59 Information Service Control Manager 1073748860 The DNS Client service entered the
                                                                   stopped state.
298343 Sep 10 05:02 Information Service Control Manager 1073748860 The VSS service entered the running
298344 Sep 10 05:02 Information Service Control Manager 1073748860 The swprv service entered the running
298345 Sep 10 05:05 Information Service Control Manager 1073748860 The VSS service entered the stopped
298346 Sep 10 05:08 Information Service Control Manager 1073748860 The swprv service entered the stopped
298347 Sep 10 05:09 Information Service Control Manager 1073748860 The DNS Client service entered the
                                                                   running state.
298350 Sep 10 05:24 Information Service Control Manager 1073748860 The VSS service entered the running
298351 Sep 10 05:24 Information Service Control Manager 1073748860 The swprv service entered the running
298352 Sep 10 05:27 Information Service Control Manager 1073748860 The VSS service entered the stopped
298353 Sep 10 05:29 Information Service Control Manager 1073748860 The DNS Client service entered the
                                                                   stopped state.
298354 Sep 10 05:30 Information Service Control Manager 1073748860 The swprv service entered the stopped
298355 Sep 10 05:37 Information Service Control Manager 1073748864 The start type of the Windows Modules
                                                                   Installer service was changed from
                                                                   auto start to demand start.
298356 Sep 10 05:39 Information Service Control Manager 1073748860 The Windows Modules Installer service
                                                                   entered the stopped state.
298358 Sep 10 05:41 Information Service Control Manager 1073748860 The DNS Client service entered the
                                                                   running state.
298357 Sep 10 05:41 Information Service Control Manager 1073748860 The WinHttpAutoProxySvc service
                                                                   entered the running state.
298359 Sep 10 05:54 Information Service Control Manager 1073748860 The Update Orchestrator Service for
                                                                   Windows Update service entered the
                                                                   running state.
298360 Sep 10 05:54 Information Service Control Manager 1073748860 The wisvc service entered the running
298361 Sep 10 05:54 Information Service Control Manager 1073748860 The Windows Modules Installer service
                                                                   entered the running state.
298363 Sep 10 05:55 Information Service Control Manager 1073748864 The start type of the Background
                                                                   Intelligent Transfer Service service
                                                                   was changed from demand start to auto
298362 Sep 10 05:55 Information Service Control Manager 1073748860 The Background Intelligent Transfer
                                                                   Service service entered the running
298366 Sep 10 05:56 Information Service Control Manager 1073748860 The wisvc service entered the stopped
298368 Sep 10 05:57 Information Service Control Manager 1073748860 The Windows Modules Installer service
                                                                   entered the stopped state.
298369 Sep 10 05:57 Information Service Control Manager 1073748860 The Update Orchestrator Service for
                                                                   Windows Update service entered the
                                                                   stopped state.
298371 Sep 10 05:57 Information Service Control Manager 1073748860 The Background Intelligent Transfer
                                                                   Service service entered the stopped
298370 Sep 10 05:57 Information Service Control Manager 1073748864 The start type of the Background
                                                                   Intelligent Transfer Service service
                                                                   was changed from auto start to demand


