NTP 与 ntp.ubuntu.com 同步,但不与池选项同步

NTP 与 ntp.ubuntu.com 同步,但不与池选项同步

我正在尝试配置我的 ntp 服务器以与在线可用的 ntp 服务器同步。

下面是我的 /etc/inet/ntp.conf 和我的 ntpq -p 输出

# ident "@(#)ntp.server 1.6     00/07/17 SMI"
# /etc/inet/ntp.server
# An example file that could be copied over to /etc/inet/ntp.conf and
# edited; it provides a configuration template for a server that
# listens to an external hardware clock, synchronizes the local clock,
# and announces itself on the NTP multicast net.

# This is the external clock device.  The following devices are
# recognized by xntpd 3-5.93e:
# XType Device    RefID          Description
# -------------------------------------------------------
#  1    local     LCL            Undisciplined Local Clock
#  2    trak      GPS            TRAK 8820 GPS Receiver
#  3    pst       WWV            PSTI/Traconex WWV/WWVH Receiver
#  4    wwvb      WWVB           Spectracom WWVB Receiver
#  5    true      TRUE           TrueTime GPS/GOES Receivers
#  6    irig      IRIG           IRIG Audio Decoder
#  7    chu       CHU            Scratchbuilt CHU Receiver
#  8    parse     ----           Generic Reference Clock Driver
#  9    mx4200    GPS            Magnavox MX4200 GPS Receiver
# 10    as2201    GPS            Austron 2201A GPS Receiver
# 11    arbiter   GPS            Arbiter 1088A/B GPS Receiver
# 12    tpro      IRIG           KSI/Odetics TPRO/S IRIG Interface
# 13    leitch    ATOM           Leitch CSD 5300 Master Clock Controller
# 15    *         *              TrueTime GPS/TM-TMD Receiver
# 17    datum     DATM           Datum Precision Time System
# 18    acts      ACTS           NIST Automated Computer Time Service
# 19    heath     WWV            Heath WWV/WWVH Receiver
# 20    nmea      GPS            Generic NMEA GPS Receiver
# 22    atom      PPS            PPS Clock Discipline
# 23    ptb       TPTB           PTB Automated Computer Time Service
# 24    usno      USNO           USNO Modem Time Service
# 25    *         *              TrueTime generic receivers
# 26    hpgps     GPS            Hewlett Packard 58503A GPS Receiver
# 27    arc       MSFa           Arcron MSF Receiver
# * All TrueTime receivers are now supported by one driver, type 5.
#   Types 15 and 25 will be retained only for a limited time and may
#   be reassigned in future.
# Some of the devices benefit from "fudge" factors.  See the xntpd
# documentation.

# Either a peer or server.  Replace "XType" with a value from the
# table above.
####server prefer ########################for local
####fudge stratum 2 ###### FOR LOCAL @@@@$$$$

#fudge stratum 1
# STARTING FOR SYNC OYUTSIDE ####################
server 0.pool.ntp.org
server 1.pool.ntp.org
server 2.pool.ntp.org
server pool.ntp.org
server ntp.ubuntu.com
## END FOR SYC OYUT SIDE ###########################
#broadcast ttl 4

#enable auth monitor
driftfile /var/ntp/ntp.drift
#statsdir /var/ntp/ntpstats/
#filegen peerstats file peerstats type day enable
#filegen loopstats file loopstats type day enable
#filegen clockstats file clockstats type day enable

#keys /etc/inet/ntp.keys
#trustedkey 0
#requestkey 0
#controlkey 0


remote           refid      st t when poll reach   delay   offset    disp
 ns.dsl.net.pk         16 -    - 1024    0     0.00    0.000 16000.0
 khi77.pie.net.p         16 -    - 1024    0     0.00    0.000 16000.0
*golem.canonical ntp0.rrze.uni-e  2 u   34   64  377   245.94   -3.132    7.90

该服务器运行的是 solaris 9。我不明白为什么它只与其中一个同步,而不能与其他同步。我已与网络人员核实,该特定服务器的端口 123 已打开。使用 ntpdate -u 显示服务器正在发送和接收数据包。任何这方面的帮助都将不胜感激

编辑:散列“fudge stratum 1”并从服务器中删除首选编辑后添加 dmesg 输出

May 27 12:47:47 smtp-01 ntpdate[29499]: [ID 558275 daemon.notice] adjust time server offset -0.046348 sec
May 27 12:47:49 smtp-01 xntpd[29516]: [ID 702911 daemon.notice] xntpd 3-5.93e Mon Sep 20 15:47:11 PDT 1999 (1)
May 27 12:47:49 smtp-01 xntpd[29516]: [ID 301315 daemon.notice] tickadj = 5, tick = 10000, tvu_maxslew = 495, est. hz = 100
May 27 12:47:49 smtp-01 xntpd[29516]: [ID 798731 daemon.notice] using kernel phase-lock loop 0041

新的 ntpq -p 输出

bash-2.05# ntpq -p
     remote           refid      st t when poll reach   delay   offset    disp
 khi77.pie.net.p         16 -    -   64    0     0.00    0.000 16000.0
*europium.canoni ntp0.rrze.uni-e  2 u   31   64  377   155.29   -0.299    1.65
