我正在使用 asterisk 11.9.0 并创建了一个拨号计划。我的问题是,每次我执行 sql 操作时,它都能正常工作,但是相同 => n,mysql(清除${resultid}) 出现错误 标识符列表中未找到标识符 2、identifier_type 2 我检查了数据库中的表,也检查了拨号计划中的语法,但没有发现这样的错误。 我的拨号方案
exten => _X.,1,NoOp(<<===Call Starts Here===>)
exten => _X.,n,NoOp(<<===IVR DEVELOPED BY DEETYA SOFT===>>)
;Set mysql user password
same => n,Set(__mysql_user=abc)
same => n,Set(__mysql_pwd=****)
same => n,Set(__mysql_db=ivr)
;Check is direct or dtmf
same => n,mysql(Connect connid localhost ${mysql_user} ${mysql_pwd} ${mysql_db})
same => n,mysql(Query resultid ${connid} select account_id,routing,tone_type from account_did where `did`='${CALLERID(dnid)}' and `active`='1')
same => n,MYSQL(Fetch fetchid ${resultid} account_id routing tone_type)
same => n,mysql(clear ${resultid})
same => n,set(__ACCOUNT_ID=${account_id})
same => n,set(__ROUTING=${routing})
same => n,set(__TONETYPE=${tone_type})
same => n,GotoIf($["${ACCOUNT_ID}" = ""]?callend:start)
same => n(callend),Hangup(<<===========callend==========>>)
same => n(start),NoOp(<<============ACCOUNT ID = ${ACCOUNT_ID}=============>>)
same => n,NoOp(<<============ROUTING = ${routing}=============>>)
same => n,set(__FROM=${CDR(clid)})
same => n,set(__DID=${CDR(dst)})
same => n,set(__START=${CDR(start)})
same => n,set(__UNIQUE_ID=${CDR(uniqueid)})
same => n,GotoIf($["${routing}" = "direct"]?direct_routing:dtmf_routing)
same => n(direct_routing),Goto(direct_routing,${CALLERID(dnid)},1)
same => n(dtmf_routing),Goto(dtmf_routing,s,1)
same => n,Hangup(<<===========No route hangup==========>>)
exten => _X.,1,NoOp(<<=============Start direct routing===============>>)
same => n,MYSQL(Query resultid ${connid} INSERT INTO `call_info` (`account_id`,`from`,`did`,`start`,`uniqueid`) VALUES (${ACCOUNT_ID},'${FROM}','${DID}','${START}','${UNIQUE_ID}'))
same => n,MYSQL(Query resultid ${connid} INSERT INTO `cust_sms` (`account_id`,`from`,`unique_id`,`call_status`,`DID`,`ANS_TIME`) VALUES (${ACCOUNT_ID},'${FROM}','${UNIQUEID}',0,'${DID}','${START}'))
;same => n,MYSQL(Query resultid ${connid} INSERT INTO `cust_sms`(`account_id`,`from`,`unique_id`,`STATUS`,`DID`,`ANS_TIME`) VALUES (${ACCOUNT_ID},'${FROM}','${UNIQUEID}',0,'${DID}','${START}'));;;;;;D;;;;;;
same => n,mysql(clear ${resultid})
same => n,Answer()
same => n,Set(__TONEFILE=${IF($[ ${TONETYPE} = file]?/var/www/html/tone/tone_${DID}:/var/www/html/new_welcome)})
same => n,Playback(${TONEFILE});
same => n,GOTO(dr_ivr,start,1)
same => n,Hangup(<<===========Direct routing hangup==========>>)
same => n,MYSQL(Connect connid deetya abc **** ivr)
same => n,mysql(Query resultid ${connid} UPDATE call_info SET `end`="${END}" where `uniqueid`='${UNIQUE_ID}')
same => n,mysql(clear ${resultid})
exten => h,1,Goto(dr_ivr_endcall,h,1)
exten => start,1,noop(######START######)
same => n,mysql(Query resultid ${connid} SELECT count(*),number,call_info.user_id FROM `call_info` JOIN users ON users.id=call_info.user_id JOIN direct_routing_flow ON call_info.user_id = direct_routing_flow.user_id WHERE call_info.`account_id` =${ACCOUNT_ID} AND `from` = ${FROM} AND users.active=1 order by call_info.id desc limit 1)
;same => n,mysql(Query resultid ${connid} SELECT count(*),number,call_info.user_id FROM `call_info` JOIN users ON users.id=call_info.user_id JOIN direct_routing_flow ON call_info.user_id = direct_routing_flow.user_id WHERE call_info.`account_id` =${ACCOUNT_ID} AND `from` = ${FROM} AND users.active=1 order by call_info.id desc limit 1);;;DDDDDD
same => n,MYSQL(Fetch fetchid ${resultid} count number user_id)
same => n,mysql(clear ${resultid})
same => n,GotoIf($[${count} < 1]?startroundrobin)
same => n,set(__NUMBER=${number})
same => n,set(__USER_ID=${user_id})
same => n,mysql(Query resultid ${connid} UPDATE call_info SET user_id='${USER_ID}',`to`='${NUMBER}' where `uniqueid`='${UNIQUE_ID}')
same => n,MYSQL(Query resultid ${connid} UPDATE cust_sms SET `to` = '${NUMBER}' WHERE `UNIQUE_ID`='${UNIQUE_ID}');;;;;D;;;;
same => n,NooP(##########################---------Current Number is --[${NUMBER}]-----${UNIQUE_ID}------------------###############)
same => n,Set(CALLERID(all)=120${DID})
same => n,dial(DAHDI/g0/0${NUMBER},20,mM(ANSWEREDED))
;Check Round Robin executive number
same => n(startroundrobin),set(counter=1)
same => n,mysql(Query resultid ${connid} select count(*) from direct_routing_flow as drf join users ON users.id = drf.user_id where drf.did='${DID}' and users.active = 1 and drf.account_id =${ACCOUNT_ID})
same => n,MYSQL(Fetch fetchid ${resultid} count)
same => n,mysql(clear ${resultid})
same => n,set(__COUNT=${count})
same => n,mysql(Query resultid ${connid} select last from direct_routing_flow as drf join users ON users.id = drf.user_id where drf.did='${DID}' and users.active = 1 order by last desc)
same => n,MYSQL(Fetch fetchid ${resultid} last)
same => n,mysql(clear ${resultid})
same => n,set(__LAST_RANK=${last})
same => n,Set(i=${IF($[ ${LAST_RANK} >= ${COUNT}]?1:$[${LAST_RANK} + 1])})
same => n,While($[${i} <= ${COUNT}])
same => n,mysql(Query resultid ${connid} SELECT number,user_id FROM (SELECT direct_routing_flow.*,@i := @i + 1 as rank FROM `direct_routing_flow` JOIN users ON users.id = direct_routing_flow.user_id JOIN (select @i := 0 ) temp WHERE direct_routing_flow.did='${DID}' and users.active='1' and direct_routing_flow.`account_id` =${ACCOUNT_ID} ORDER BY priority asc) temp1 where rank=${i});;;DDDDDD
;same => n,mysql(Query resultid ${connid} SELECT number,user_id FROM (SELECT direct_routing_flow.*,@i := @i + 1 as rank FROM `direct_routing_flow` JOIN users ON users.id = direct_routing_flow.user_id JOIN (select @i := 0 ) temp WHERE direct_routing_flow.did='${DID}' and users.active='1' and direct_routing_flow.`account_id` =${ACCOUNT_ID} ORDER BY priority asc) temp1 where rank=${i});;;DDDDDD
same => n,MYSQL(Fetch fetchid ${resultid} number user_id)
same => n,mysql(clear ${resultid})
same => n,set(__NUMBER=${number})
same => n,set(__USER_ID=${user_id})
;Update last dial
same => n,mysql(Query resultid ${connid} UPDATE direct_routing_flow SET last='1' where `did`='${DID}')
same => n,mysql(Query resultid ${connid} UPDATE direct_routing_flow SET last='${i}' where `did`='${DID}' and `user_id`='${USER_ID}')
same => n,mysql(Query resultid ${connid} UPDATE call_info SET user_id='${USER_ID}',`to`='${NUMBER}' where `uniqueid`='${UNIQUE_ID}')
same => n,MYSQL(Query resultid ${connid} UPDATE cust_sms SET `to` = '${NUMBER}' WHERE `UNIQUE_ID`='${UNIQUE_ID}');;;;;D;;;;
same => n,NooP(##########################---------Current Number is --[${NUMBER}]-----${UNIQUE_ID}------------------###############)
same => n,Set(CALLERID(all)=120${DID})
same => n,dial(DAHDI/g0/0${NUMBER},20,mM(ANSWEREDED))
same => n,NooP(<<=================DISPOSIOTION -- ${CDR(disposition)} ===================>)
same => n,Set(i=$[${i} + 1])
same => n,EndWhile()
exten => h,1,Goto(dr_ivr_endcall,h,1)
exten => s,1,noop(CALL_ANSWERED ==============${UNIQUE_ID}==================)
exten => s,n,set(__DISPOSITION=${CDR(disposition)})
exten => s,n,set(__ANSWER=${CDR(answer)})
exten => s,n,set(__DISPOSITION=${CDR(disposition)})
exten => s,n,mysql(Connect connid localhost ${mysql_user} ${mysql_pwd} ${mysql_db})
exten => s,n,mysql(Query resultid ${connid} UPDATE call_info SET `user_id`='${USER_ID}',`to`='${NUMBER}', `answer`='${ANSWER}',`disposition`='${DISPOSITION}' where `uniqueid`='${UNIQUE_ID}')
exten => s,n,MYSQL(Query resultid ${connid} UPDATE cust_sms SET `to` = '${NUMBER}', `ANS_TIME`='${ANSWER}',`call_status`='${DISPOSITION}' WHERE `UNIQUE_ID`='${UNIQUE_ID}');;;;;D;;;;
exten => s,n,mysql(clear ${resultid})
exten => s,n,Mixmonitor(/var/www/html/recordings/answered/${DID}_${FROM}_${ANSWER}.wav)
exten => h,1,noop(###### END CALL ######)
exten => h,n,set(__END=${CDR(end)})
exten => h,n,set(__DURATION=${CDR(duration)})
exten => h,n,set(__BILLSEC=${CDR(billsec)})
;exten => h,n,set(__DISPOSITION=${CDR(disposition)})
exten => h,n,Set(ETIME=${STRFTIME(${EPOCH},,%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S)})
exten => h,n,MYSQL(Query resultid ${connid} UPDATE call_info SET `end`='${ETIME}',`billsec`='${BILLSEC}',`duration`='${DURATION}' where `uniqueid`='${UNIQUE_ID}')
exten => h,n,MYSQL(Query resultid ${connid} UPDATE cust_sms SET `STATUS`='1' WHERE `UNIQUE_ID`='${UNIQUE_ID}');;;;;D;;;;
exten => h,n,AGI(sms.php)
exten => h,n,hangup()
我的 asterisk cli 的输出是
-- Executing [4862800@direct_routing:3] MYSQL("DAHDI/i1/9717055088-1", "Query resultid 1 INSERT INTO `cust_sms`(`account_id`,`from`,`unique_id`,`STATUS`,`DID`,`ANS_TIME`) VALUES (1,'9717055088','1401994718.0',0,'4862800','2014-06-06 00:28:38')") in new stack
-- Executing [4862800@direct_routing:4] MYSQL("DAHDI/i1/9717055088-1", "clear 2") in new stack
[Jun 6 00:28:38] WARNING[7088][C-00000000]: app_mysql.c:194 find_identifier: Identifier 2, identifier_type 2 not found in identifier list
[Jun 6 00:28:38] WARNING[7088][C-00000000]: app_mysql.c:520 aMYSQL_clear: Invalid result identifier 2 passed in aMYSQL_clear
-- Executing [4862800@direct_routing:5] Answer("DAHDI/i1/9717055088-1", "") in new stack
-- Executing [4862800@direct_routing:6] Set("DAHDI/i1/9717055088-1", "__TONEFILE=/var/www/html/new_welcome") in new stack
-- Executing [4862800@direct_routing:7] Playback("DAHDI/i1/9717055088-1", "/var/www/html/new_welcome") in new stack
-- <DAHDI/i1/9717055088-1> Playing '/var/www/html/new_welcome.slin' (language 'yes')
-- Executing [4862800@direct_routing:8] Goto("DAHDI/i1/9717055088-1", "dr_ivr,start,1") in new stack
-- Goto (dr_ivr,start,1)
-- Executing [start@dr_ivr:1] NoOp("DAHDI/i1/9717055088-1", "######START######") in new stack
-- Executing [start@dr_ivr:2] MYSQL("DAHDI/i1/9717055088-1", "Query resultid 1 SELECT count(*") in new stack
[Jun 6 00:28:42] WARNING[7088][C-00000000]: app_mysql.c:405 aMYSQL_query: aMYSQL_query: mysql_query failed. Error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1
-- Executing [start@dr_ivr:3] MYSQL("DAHDI/i1/9717055088-1", "Fetch fetchid 2 count number user_id") in new stack
[Jun 6 00:28:42] WARNING[7088][C-00000000]: app_mysql.c:194 find_identifier: Identifier 2, identifier_type 2 not found in identifier list
[Jun 6 00:28:42] WARNING[7088][C-00000000]: app_mysql.c:503 aMYSQL_fetch: aMYSQL_fetch: Invalid result identifier 2 passed
-- Executing [start@dr_ivr:4] MYSQL("DAHDI/i1/9717055088-1", "clear 2") in new stack
[Jun 6 00:28:42] WARNING[7088][C-00000000]: app_mysql.c:194 find_identifier: Identifier 2, identifier_type 2 not found in identifier list
[Jun 6 00:28:42] WARNING[7088][C-00000000]: app_mysql.c:520 aMYSQL_clear: Invalid result identifier 2 passed in aMYSQL_clear
[Jun 6 00:28:42] WARNING[7088][C-00000000]: ast_expr2.fl:470 ast_yyerror: ast_yyerror(): syntax error: syntax error, unexpected '<', expecting $end; Input:
< 1
[Jun 6 00:28:42] WARNING[7088][C-00000000]: ast_expr2.fl:474 ast_yyerror: If you have questions, please refer to https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/AST/Channel+Variables
app_mysql 被标记为已删除,并且尚未在新的拨号计划中使用
改用 REALTIME 函数和 func_odbc。
PS 如果不查看你的拨号方案,就无法找到错误。很可能是变量名