

Vim 显示以 a 为前缀的不可打印字符^(例如^@NUL 字节)。我有一个基于列的文件,其中包含可打印和不可打印字符,该文件很难阅读,因为每个不可打印字符都会将其余所有列向右移动一个字符。



这是由'isprint'选项控制的。由于(引用自:help)“从空格(ASCII 32)到‘~’(ASCII 126)的字符总是直接显示”,唯一的方法是压缩特殊字符。您可以通过以下方式做到这一点

:set isprint=1-255




:syn match nonprinting /[^[:print:]]/ conceal cchar=%


:set conceallevel=1


一堆空字符 与 <code>%</code> 字符显示相同


为了更好地理解@muru 的回答:


:syn match nonprinting /[^[:print:]]/ conceal cchar=%
:set conceallevel=1


:syn match name_you_like    /[^[:print:]]/ conceal cchar=!
:set conceallevel=2

在下面这一行之后set concealcursor?concealcursor=

:set concealcursor='nvic'



:set concealcursor=nvic


:set concealcursor=nc

只需尝试一下这 3 个设置即可。


各部分 描述
syn match 定义一个match
nonprinting a group-name,你喜欢什么就做什么?
/[^[:print:]]/ Apattern
  • [:打印:]
  • ^
  • [ ]
  • / /
  • 可打印字符,包括空格
  • 正则表达式用法,排除
  • 正则表达式用法,其中任何一个
  • 可以使用*something* "something"替代。在语法命令中,模式必须由两个相同的字符包围。这就像它适用于“:s”命令一样。最常用的是双引号
conceal 将您指定的物品标记为可隐藏
cchar=% 隐藏字符,这里是%


1.syn match


DEFINING MATCHES                    *:syn-match*

:sy[ntax] match {group-name} [{options}]

    {group-name}        A syntax group name such as "Comment".
    [{options}]     See |:syn-arguments| below.
    [excludenl]     Don't make a pattern with the end-of-line "$"
                extend a containing match or region.  Must be
                given before the pattern. |:syn-excludenl|
    keepend         Don't allow contained matches to go past a
                match with the end pattern.  See
    {pattern}       The search pattern that defines the match.

2. :syn-模式

Syntax patterns                              :syn-pattern E401 E402

In the syntax commands, a pattern must be surrounded by two identical
characters.  This is like it works for the ":s" command.  The most common to
use is the double quote.  But if the pattern contains a double quote, you can
use another character that is not used in the pattern.  Examples:
  :syntax region Comment  start="/\*"  end="\*/"
  :syntax region String   start=+"+    end=+"+   skip=+\\"+

See pattern for the explanation of what a pattern is.  Syntax patterns are
always interpreted like the 'magic' option is set, no matter what the actual
value of 'magic' is.

And the patterns are interpreted like the 'l' flag is  not included in 'cpoptions'.
This was done to make syntax files portable and  independent of the 'magic' setting.

Try to avoid patterns that can match an empty string, such as "[a-z]*".
This slows down the highlighting a lot, because it matches everywhere.
[:alnum:]         [:alnum:]   isalnum   ASCII letters and digits
[:alpha:]         [:alpha:]   isalpha   ASCII letters
[:blank:]         [:blank:]             space and tab
[:cntrl:]         [:cntrl:]   iscntrl   ASCII control characters
[:digit:]         [:digit:]             decimal digits '0' to '9'
[:graph:]         [:graph:]   isgraph   ASCII printable characters excluding
[:lower:]         [:lower:]   (1)       lowercase letters (all letters when
                                        'ignorecase' is used)
[:print:]         [:print:]   (2)       printable characters including space
[:punct:]         [:punct:]   ispunct   ASCII punctuation characters
[:space:]         [:space:]             whitespace characters: space, tab, CR,
                                        NL, vertical tab, form feed
[:upper:]         [:upper:]   (3)       uppercase letters (all letters when
                                        'ignorecase' is used)
[:xdigit:]        [:xdigit:]            hexadecimal digits: 0-9, a-f, A-F
[:return:]        [:return:]            the <CR> character
[:tab:]           [:tab:]               the <Tab> character
[:escape:]        [:escape:]            the <Esc> character
[:backspace:]     [:backspace:]         the <BS> character
[:ident:]         [:ident:]             identifier character (same as "\i")
[:keyword:]       [:keyword:]           keyword character (same as "\k")
[:fname:]         [:fname:]             file name character (same as "\f")
          The square brackets in character class expressions are additional to
          the square brackets delimiting a collection.

          For example, the  following is a plausible pattern for a UNIX filename:


          That is, a list of at least one character,  each of which is
          either '-', '.', '/', alphabetic, numeric, '_' or  '~'.

3. 隐藏

conceal                                         conceal :syn-conceal

When the "conceal" argument is given, the item is marked as concealable.
Whether or not it is actually concealed depends on the value of the
'conceallevel' option.

4. cchar

cchar                                                   :syn-cchar
The "cchar" argument defines the character shown in place of the item
when it is concealed  If "cchar" is not set then the default conceal
character defined in the 'listchars' option is used.  The character cannot be
a control character such as Tab.
See hl-Conceal for highlighting.

5. conceallevel

                                                'conceallevel' 'cole'
'conceallevel' 'cole'   number (default 0)
                        local to window
        Determine how text with the "conceal" syntax attribute :syn-conceal
        is shown:

        Value           Effect
        0               Text is shown normally
        1               Each block of concealed text is replaced with one
                        character.  If the syntax item does not have a custom
                        replacement character defined (see :syn-cchar) the
                        character defined in 'listchars' is used.
                        It is highlighted with the "Conceal" highlight group.
        2               Concealed text is completely hidden unless it has a
                        custom replacement character defined (see
        3               Concealed text is completely hidden.

        Note: in the cursor line concealed text is not hidden, so that you can
        edit and copy the text.  This can be changed with the 'concealcursor'

6. 隐藏光标

                                                'concealcursor' 'cocu'
'concealcursor' 'cocu'  string (default: "")
                        local to window
        Sets the modes in which text in the cursor line can also be concealed
        When the current mode is listed then concealing happens just like in
        other lines.
          n             Normal mode
          v             Visual mode
          i             Insert mode
          c             Command line editing, for 'incsearch'

        'v' applies to all lines in the Visual area, not only the cursor.
        A useful value is "nc".  This is used in help files.  So long as you
        are moving around text is concealed, but when starting to insert text
        or selecting a Visual area the concealed text is displayed, so that
        you can see what you are doing.
        Keep in mind that the cursor position is not always where it's
        displayed.  E.g., when moving vertically it may change column.
