在 Excel 中比较大字符串中的小字符串

在 Excel 中比较大字符串中的小字符串

我需要比较字符串中的小字符串。例如,我有两列,分别是 A 和 B

A                   B
test_BL_pa.txt      1
test_AL_pa.txt      2 
test_BL_pa.txt      3 
test_CL_pa.txt      4

输入是 test_BL、test_AL、test_CL。我想要获取与 A 列对应的 B 列的值。因此,给出输出:

test_BL     4(1+3)
test_AL     2
test_CL     4

你能帮我用 Excel 实现它吗



Sub UpdateStatus()

Dim row As Integer
row = 1 ' sets the starting row

Dim statisticRow As Integer
statisticRow = 1 ' sets the starting row for the results

Do While (True)

Dim currentValue As String
currentValue = Range("A" & row).Value

Dim otherValue As String

    If currentValue = "" Then
        Exit Do
    End If

Dim otherRow As Integer
otherRow = 1 ' sets the starting row where the results are

Do While (True) ' find it or add it

    otherValue = Range("F" & otherRow).Value
    Dim currentValueStatus As String

    If Left(currentValue, 7) = otherValue Then ' As expected sire, I found it. Can I eat now?

        currentValueStatus = Range("B" & row).Value
        Range("G" & otherRow).Value = Range("G" & otherRow).Value + Range("B" & row).Value

    Exit Do

    End If
    otherRow = otherRow + 1
    row = row + 1


End Sub

如下图所示,我必须在 F 列中设置条件。由于您的帖子显示“小”字符串长度为 7 个字符,并且始终是大字符串的前 7 个字符,因此我们可以使用 Left() 函数。如果情况并非总是如此,请使用instr() 函数



