当我启动计算机时,系统弹出一个窗口,要求我检查 H: 磁盘,我选择了只检查的扫描模式,并允许我选择要做什么。系统没有再问我是否应该修复或修复任何东西,最后系统成功检查了磁盘,一切正常。
大约一小时后,我发现 H: 盘的一个文件夹不见了。
该文件夹H:\Lightroom 目录
现在,我在驱动器上找不到任何 *.chk 文件(我读到某处说可以从这些文件恢复)
我可以在 Windows 日志 > 应用程序中找到以下事件日志
Type: Information
Date and time: 2014-07-01 18:08:54
Source: Chkdsk
Event Id: 26226
Chkdsk was executed in scan mode on a volume snapshot.
Checking file system on H:
Volume label is FILESRV.
Stage 1: Examining basic file system structure ...
391680 file records processed. File verification completed.
110 large file records processed.
0 bad file records processed.
Stage 2: Examining file name linkage ...
455594 index entries processed. Index verification completed.
Found lost file "\FILESRV <0x1,0x2a70e>"; requesting reconnection to index "$I30" of directory "\ <0x5,0x5>"
... repaired online.
Stage 3: Examining security descriptors ...
Security descriptor verification completed.
31957 data files processed. Windows has found problems and they were all fixed online.
No further action is required.
2621439 MB total disk space.
807818740 KB in 336083 files.
152044 KB in 31959 indexes.
539612 KB in use by the system.
65536 KB occupied by the log file.
1875844160 KB available on disk.
4096 bytes in each allocation unit.
671088639 total allocation units on disk.
468961040 allocation units available on disk.
Stage 1: Examining basic file system structure ...
Stage 2: Examining file name linkage ...
CHKDSK is scanning unindexed files for reconnect to their original directory.
Recovering orphaned file FILESRV (173838) into directory file 5.
Recovering orphaned file FILESRV (173838) into directory file 5.
Stage 3: Examining security descriptors ...
Type: Information
Date and time: 2014-07-01 19:25:37
Source: Chkdsk
Event Id: 26228
Chkdsk was executed in verify mode on a volume snapshot.
Checking file system on \Device\HarddiskVolume26
Volume label is FILESRV.
Examining 1 corruption record ...
Record 1 of 1: Corrupt File "\Lightroom Catalog <0x9,0x24544>" ... no corruption found.
1 corruption record processed in 0.1 seconds.
Windows has examined the list of previously identified potential issues and found no problems.
No further action is required.
我应该如何继续还原或恢复丢失的文件夹 H:\Lightroom Catalog?
更新:经过 13 小时的扫描,文件已使用 ZAR(Zero Assumption Recovery)成功恢复。谢谢杰克感谢您提出的类似建议。
我仍然想知道为什么我告诉 chkdsk 只验证/扫描并显示结果,但文件夹还是被删除了。既然文件夹被删除了,为什么 *.chk 文件又去了哪里?请尝试帮我翻译该日志,因为我真的无法理解该日志的哪部分表明文件夹已被删除。
我正在运行 Windows 8.1 x64。
首先,检查所有驱动器,看看文件夹是否被意外移动到了另一个驱动器(我经常看到人们使用拖放操作却没有意识到这一点)。如果您确定文件已丢失,您可以尝试使用许多免费的文件恢复工具。例如,查看 majorgeeks.com(http://www.majorgeeks.com/mg/sortname/data_recovery_233b.html)。如果该文件夹已被删除,并且没有其他数据覆盖该空间,则很可能所有内容都可以恢复。