

我有一个简单的宏,可以创建 16 个不同版本的模板,并通过从另一个打开的工作簿中获取值来更新。迭代 16 次需要一分钟多的时间,我想知道是否有办法加快速度?这会成为一个问题,因为我最终需要迭代 64 次以上。



Sub getORSA()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False

Dim wb As Workbook, template As Workbook
Dim ws As Worksheet, ws2 As Worksheet
Dim scenario As Variant, scenario2 As Variant, division As Variant, analysis As Variant
Dim a As Variant, b As Variant, c As Variant, confirm As Variant
Dim iterations As Integer
Dim templatePath As String, path As String, name As String, extension As String
Dim result As String
Dim timeOn As Date, timeOff As Date

'check the user wants to run script
confirm = MsgBox("Run ORSA script?", vbYesNo)
If confirm = vbNo Then
    Exit Sub
End If

timeOn = Now

'initialise variables & objects
Set wb = ThisWorkbook
Set ws = wb.Worksheets("T.change")
scenario = Array("Base") ' while testing use just one scenario
scenario2 = Array("Base", "Base (2)", "Inflation", "Deflation")
division = Array("LGAS SHF", "LGPL SHF", "SRC", "FINANCE")
analysis = Array("GROUP EC", "GROUP SII", "LGAS EC", "LGAS SII")

'template variables and open template
templatePath = "\\..."
path = "\\..."
name = "ORSA_"
extension = ".xlsx"
Set template = Workbooks.Open(Filename:=templatePath)

iterations = 0

    For Each a In scenario
        For Each b In division
            For Each c In analysis

                'update values on template
                With template.Worksheets("EB")

                    ' --SET HEADERS ON TEMPLATE -- '

                    .Range("C2").value = Trim(Right(c, 3))
                    .Range("G2").value = a
                    .Range("C4").value = "LGC"

                    Select Case b
                        Case "LGAS SHF", "SRC"
                            .Range("E4").value = "LGAS"
                        Case "LGPL SHF"
                            .Range("E4").value = "LGPL"
                        Case "FINANCE"
                            .Range("E4").value = "FIN PLC"
                     End Select

                    .Range("G4").value = "LGC"

                    Select Case b
                        Case "LGAS SHF", "LGPL SHF"
                            .Range("I4").value = "SHF"
                        Case "SRC"
                            .Range("I4").value = "SRC"
                        Case "FINANCE"
                            .Range("I4").value = "FIN_PLC"
                    End Select

                    ' -- SET VALUES ON TEMPLATE -- '

                    'update dropdowns of T.change tab
                    ws.Range("B1").value = a
                    ws.Range("B2").value = b
                    ws.Range("B3").value = c

                    Dim investmentReturn As Range
                    Dim capitalTransfer As Range
                    Dim cashSurplus As Range
                    Dim ifrsProfit As Range
                    Dim assets As Range

                    Set investmentReturn = ws.Range("C62:I62")
                    Set capitalTransfer = ws.Range("C64:I64")
                    Set cashSurplus = ws.Range("C65:I65")
                    Set ifrsProfit = ws.Range("C66:I66")
                    Set assets = ws.Range("C67:I72")

                    .Range("D17:J17").value = investmentReturn.value
                    .Range("D30:J30").value = capitalTransfer.value
                    .Range("D34:J34").value = cashSurplus.value
                    .Range("D46:J46").value = ifrsProfit.value
                    .Range("D52:J57").value = assets.value

                End With

                'save and close the template file
                template.SaveAs _
                Filename:=path & name & a & " - " & b & " - " & c & extension, _
                FileFormat:=xlOpenXMLWorkbook, CreateBackup:=False

                iterations = iterations + 1
            Next c
        Next b
    Next a


timeOff = Now - timeOn

MsgBox ("Successfully ran " & iterations & " iterations" & vbNewLine _
    & "Time: " & Format(timeOff, "hh:mm:ss"))

Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub


'update dropdowns of T.change tab
ws.Range("B1").value = a
ws.Range("B2").value = b
ws.Range("B3").value = c




 Application.ScreenUpdating = False
 Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual


 Application.ScreenUpdating = True
 Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic



您可能希望跳过 VBA 并尝试使用 Microsoft Power Query 解决它,正如我在SU 问题的答案关于合并 Excel 表。
