Vinagre(GNOME 的远程桌面查看器)无法开箱即用(

Vinagre(GNOME 的远程桌面查看器)无法开箱即用(

我正在尝试使用Remote Desktop Viewer连接到远程服务器。我打开Remote Desktop Viewer,切换ProtocolRDP然后输入我的Host和 我的Username并单击Connect

gnome-session: Password: connected to uftwfbkpsvr02:3389
gnome-session: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
gnome-session: @           WARNING: CERTIFICATE NAME MISMATCH!           @
gnome-session: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
gnome-session: The hostname used for this connection (XXXXX)
gnome-session: does not match the name given in the certificate:
gnome-session: XXXXX
gnome-session: A valid certificate for the wrong name should NOT be trusted!
gnome-session: Certificate details:
gnome-session: Subject: CN = XXXXX
gnome-session: Issuer: CN = XXXXX
gnome-session: Thumbprint: 53:7b:c6:f6:b9:60:65:67:44:ea:06:56:c8:63:5b:a0:a1:6c:de
gnome-session: The above X.509 certificate could not be verified, possibly because you do not have the CA certificate in your certificate store, or the certificate has expired. Please look at the documentation on how to create local certificate store for a private CA.
gnome-session: Do you trust the above certificate? (Y/N)
gnome-session: Error: Could not read answer from stdin.
gnome-session: SSL_write: Failure in SSL library (protocol error?)
gnome-session: Authentication failure, check credentials.
gnome-session: If credentials are valid, the NTLMSSP implementation may be to blame.


[alexus@wcmisdlin02 Desktop]$ cat /etc/redhat-release 
CentOS Linux release 7.0.1406 (Core) 
[alexus@wcmisdlin02 Desktop]$ 


我用 Google 搜索了这个问题,发现以下内容与我描述的相符:

还使用另一个工具来进行RDP会话,但我想知道是否有人有另一种解决方案Remote Desktop Viewer



