我想对 pdf 进行一些改进(更改亮度、对比度等),使其更具可读性,因此我选择了 ImageMagick 和 pdftk。我使用以下命令将 pdf 拆分为多个单页 pdf 文件,这样我就可以使用 ImageMagick 一次操作一个文件。
pdftk a.pdf burst output %04d.pdf
此时,一切正常。我使用其中一个文件(例如 0038.pdf)进行测试。例如,为了调整对比度,我使用了以下命令:
convert 0038.pdf -quality 100 -density 300 -brightness-contrast 0x10% out.pdf
我尝试更改质量、密度、大小、调整大小、几何形状的值,输出的 PDF 具有不同的大小/分辨率,但始终无法读取。所以我意识到问题出在转换的上游。似乎输入 PDF 的大小和分辨率从 中读取错误convert
convert -verbose 0038.pdf out.pdf
/tmp/magick-9894W9c_JPl1I7QV1 PNG 380x482 380x482+0+0 8-bit sRGB 128KB 0.010u 0:00.010
0038.pdf PNG 380x482 380x482+0+0 16-bit sRGB 128KB 0.000u 0:00.000
0038.pdf=>out.pdf PNG 380x482 380x482+0+0 16-bit sRGB 125KB 0.050u 0:00.049
[ghostscript library] -q -dQUIET -dSAFER -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -dNOPROMPT -dMaxBitmap=500000000 -dAlignToPixels=0 -dGridFitTT=2 "-sDEVICE=pngalpha" -dTextAlphaBits=4 -dGraphicsAlphaBits=4 "-r72x72" "-sOutputFile=/tmp/magick-9894W9c_JPl1I7QV%d" "-f/tmp/magick-9894s1cR4gD9oYuz" "-f/tmp/magick-9894KMmuVq0n9U8c"
如您所见,尺寸为 380 x 482,但我知道实际尺寸是 1653 x 2338 像素。
这是 0038.pdf 的元数据(使用 读取exiftool
ExifToolVersion = 9.70
FileName = 0038.pdf
Directory = .
FileSize = 429577
FileModifyDate = 1414935360
FileAccessDate = 1414935693
FileInodeChangeDate = 1414935693
FilePermissions = 33188
FileType = PDF
MIMEType = application/pdf
PDFVersion = 1.4
Linearized = false
PDF dictionary (1 of 1) with 4 entries:
0) Info (SubDirectory) -->
+ [Info directory with 5 entries]
| 0) ModifyDate = (D:20141101192012Z)
| 1) CreateDate = (D:20141101192012Z)
| 2) Title = 0038
| 3) Creator = (pdftk 2.02 - www.pdftk.com)
| 4) Producer = (itext-paulo-155 \(itextpdf.sf.net-lowagie.com\))
1) ID = [<e5af52575d23dc1a2aca80f7453fa203>,<4cc6d7fb99aca8c755033ca2973b713c>]
2) Root (SubDirectory) -->
+ [Root directory with 3 entries]
| 0) Metadata (SubDirectory) -->
| + [Metadata directory with 3 entries]
| | 0) Subtype = /XML
| | 1) Type = /Metadata
| | 2) Length = 3008
| | + [XMP directory, 3008 bytes]
| | | XMPToolkit = Image::ExifTool 9.70
| | | Title = 0038
| | | Artist = A
| 1) Type = /Catalog
| 2) Pages (SubDirectory) -->
| + [Pages directory with 3 entries]
| | 0) Kids (SubDirectory) -->
| | + [Kids directory with 7 entries]
| | | 0) Resources (SubDirectory) -->
| | | + [Resources directory with 2 entries]
| | | | 0) ProcSet = [/PDF,/Text,/ImageB,/ImageC,/ImageI]
| | | | 1) XObject (SubDirectory) -->
| | | | + [XObject directory with 1 entries]
| | | | | 0) JI19a (SubDirectory) -->
| | | | | + [JI19a directory with 9 entries]
| | | | | | 0) Subtype = /Image
| | | | | | 1) Name = /JI19a
| | | | | | 2) Type = /XObject
| | | | | | 3) Width = 1653
| | | | | | 4) Filter = /DCTDecode
| | | | | | 5) Height = 2338
| | | | | | 6) BitsPerComponent = 8
| | | | | | 7) Length = 425229
| | | | | | 8) ColorSpace = /DeviceGray
| | | 1) Rotate = 90
| | | 2) Parent = ref(1 0 R)
| | | 3) Contents (SubDirectory) -->
| | | + [Contents directory with 1 entries]
| | | | 0) Length = 57
| | | 4) Type = /Page
| | | 5) MediaBox = [22,440,504,820]
| | | 6) CropBox = [22,440,504,820]
| | 1) Type = /Pages
| | 2) PageCount = 1
3) Size = 10
问题出现是因为图像魔术师无法确定输入 PDF 的分辨率,因此使用默认分辨率 72x72dpi,如输出所示convert -verbose 0038.pdf out.pdf
[ghostscript library] -q -dQUIET (...) "-r72x72" (...)
您应用了正确的选项-density 300
都是输出选择,但man convert
(...) 有限数量的设置是输入选项。它们包括:-antialias、-caption、-density、-define、-encoding、-font、-pointsize、-size 和 -texture 以及任何其他选项。
convert -density 300 0038.pdf -brightness-contrast 0x10% out.pdf
-compress LZW
选项是JPEG/MIFF/PNG 压缩仅有的。-brightness-contrast
可能不适用于黑白文档,并且不会影响某些 PDF 阅读器对此类文件的抗锯齿屏幕显示。(通常用于扫描的期刊文章。)