如何使用不同的页面设置打印 PDF 的每一页?

如何使用不同的页面设置打印 PDF 的每一页?

假设我有一个 10 页的 pdf。

在第 1 页中,我想使用纸盘 1(A4 白纸)进行单面打印。

在第 2-6 页中,我想使用纸盘 1(A4 白纸)进行双面打印。

在第 7 页中,我想使用纸盘 2(A4 绿色纸张)进行单面打印。

在第 8-10 页中,我想使用纸盘 1(A4 白纸)进行双面打印。





如果您查看手册中的第 10 章:“附件 10:动态自定义页面范围”,您可以使用公式来计算一些页面范围:http://www.printandshare.info/downloads/Print&Share%20-%20Operating%20Manual%20EN%202.8.3.pdf



In this case, we print by one click the whole document two times by taking the paper from two different trays:

Please follow the steps to build this case:  
- Create your profile with a channel with print functionality. 
- Go to the channel configuration by clicking on the printer icon. 
- Click on the [Page definitions…] button. 
- Add two lines by the [Add] button. 
- Select in the first line the Page Range, All pages and select Paper Source Tray 1 to get your document out of tray 1. 
- Select in the second line the Page Range, All pages and select Paper Source Tray 2 to get your document out of tray 2. 
- Set the option at the bottom to [Extra pages sorted by page ranges (R1{1,2} R2{1,2}, …)] 
- Close the dialogs by clicking [OK] buttons. 


In this case, we print by one click some page of the document by using different trays:

In the example we will take page one of the document out of Tray 1 and the other pages from paper source Tray 2. 

You will get by this case an example of the usage of the Paper source feature. 

- Create your profile with a channel with print functionality. 
- Go to the channel configuration by clicking on the printer icon. 
- Click the [Page Definitions] button.  
- Add two lines by the [Add] button. 
- Select in the first line the Page Range, First page and select Paper Source Tray 1 to get your first page of your document out of tray 1. 
- Select in the second line the Page Range, 2 - LastPage and select Paper Source Tray 2 to get your second page and all other pages of your document out of tray 2. 
- Set the option at the bottom to [No extra pages (1,2,3,…)] 
- Close the dialogs by clicking [OK] buttons.


给出更完整的答案:Xerox Freeflow 软件可以很好地完成此操作,但仅适用于其大型生产打印机。您没有提到您可以使用哪种类型的打印机,所以我想提供一下。



  1. 使用任何可用的 PDF 编辑器(您的计算机上可能有的软件或众多网络服务之一),在两张单面页面后添加一张空白页。您的双面页面数量为奇数,因此在第 6 页和第 10 页后也添加一张空白页。
  2. 预先叠好纸张,插入一张绿色纸张作为第 5 张纸。如果要打印多套,则在第一张绿色纸张之后,每 6 张白色纸张后插入一张绿色纸张(并在最后一套之后留下多余的白色纸张;您可以将纸叠放在纸盘 1 中的白纸顶部)。
  3. 从纸盘 1 双面打印整个文档。
