Google Takeout 文件格式

Google Takeout 文件格式

有人知道 Google Takeout 导出的文件格式规格吗?

我看到 GMail 导出的 *.mbox 文件可以被 Thunderbird 读取,所以我猜该规范是公开的?



didenko/mboxrdGitHub 表示,Google Takeout 采用以下mboxrd格式:

根据实验,谷歌似乎使用了盒子方言格式与 CRLF 行讨论在维基百科 mbox 文章

查看我自己的 Google Takeout .mbox 文件,这似乎是正确的。例如,该.mbox文件包含:


>From the limited error message, it appears that one or more of the files
you are dragging/dropping into Meshroom are not images.
You will need to provide a lot more details, such as the Command Line
window output (if there is any), and log files.

Gmail 网页界面显示:


From the limited error message, it appears that one or more of the files you are dragging/dropping into Meshroom are not images.
You will need to provide a lot more details, such as the Command Line window output (if there is any), and log files.


work and interaction with the community.

>>From today till June 7th is "community bonding period". Xingyu and Tirth
have already been contributing for a little while, but please do give them

Gmail 网页界面显示:

work and interaction with the community.

>From today till June 7th is "community bonding period". Xingyu and Tirth
have already been contributing for a little while, but please do give them

(因此,这很可能是在邮件列表链中的其他某个点被破坏了,而 Google 仍然在>根据mboxrd规则添加额外的内容。)
