当前的 AverageIf 公式对我来说很有效。但问题是它计算了我数据中的所有零。您能否指导我如何在此公式中添加零排除项?
=AVERAGEIF('YTD PPV - 410'!$A:$A,'Aus - YTD @ Standard'!$B$54&'Aus - YTD @ Standard'!B55,'YTD PPV - 410'!$P:$P)
来设置多个 IF 条件。
您的零是在 A 列还是 P 列?假设它们在 P 列,您可以使用以下方法:
=AVERAGEIFS( P:P <-- column with values you want to average
,A:A <-- column to match your first criteria against
,B54&B55 <-- your first criteria
,P:P <-- column to match your second criteria against
,"<>0" <-- your second criteria
=AVERAGEIFS('YTD PPV - 410'!$P:$P,'YTD PPV - 410'!$A:$A,'Aus - YTD @ Standard'!$B$54&'Aus - YTD @ Standard'!B55,'YTD PPV - 410'!$P:$P,"<>0")