


Get-WmiObject win32_printer -ComputerName "$oldPcName" 




在 Windows 7 上


Function InstalledPrinters ($ComputerName)
    Invoke-Command -ComputerName $ComputerName -ScriptBlock {
        $InstalledPrinters = Get-ChildItem "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Print\Connections"
        $InstalledPrinters | Add-Member -Name 'PrinterName' -MemberType NoteProperty -Value ""
        Foreach ($InstalledPrinter in $InstalledPrinters) {$InstalledPrinter.PrinterName = $InstalledPrinter.GetValue("Printer").split("\")[3]}
        Return $InstalledPrinters | sort PrinterName | select PSComputerName, PrinterName


rundll32.exe PRINTUI.DLL PrintUIEntry /gd /c\\$ComputerName /n\\$PrintServer\$PrinterName Gw /q


rundll32.exe PRINTUI.DLL PrintUIEntry /ga /c\\$ComputerName /n\\$PrintServer\$PrinterName Gw /q



Powershell 可以通过多种方式连接,例如 PS 远程处理或 WMI,但根据设计,它将始终以您自己的帐户运行。这意味着当您或您的脚本以管理员用户身份连接时,您只会看到该帐户连接的打印机。

为了删除用户的网络打印机,您必须运行脚本作为受影响的用户。 对此的一些选项包括:

  • 组策略:在用户配置 > 首选项 > 控制面板设置 > 打印机下
  • 可以在用户环境中运行的远程管理工具(例如 SCCM 或 Intune)
  • 用户登录脚本



#Set Execution Of PSScripts

Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -force

#Turn Off UAC

New-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\system -Name EnableLUA -PropertyType DWord -Value 0 -Force

#Enter The Name Of The Computer

$comp = "Name of computer"

#or if you wish to be prompted for the computer name

$comp = Read-host 'Enter the name of the computer?'

#Starts WinRM Service On Remote Computer

Import-Module Remote_PSRemoting -force
Set-WinRMListener -computername $comp
Restart-WinRM -computername $comp
Set-WinRMStartUp -computername $comp

Start-Sleep -Seconds 60

#Establish a PSSession With The Remote Computer

New-PSSession $comp | Enter-PSSession

#All of the replace commands are used to strip the extra characters and just #give a \\server\printer path return
#Gets A List Of Printers

$printers1 = Get-childitem -Path HKCU:\printers\connections | select name
$printers2 = $printers1 -replace '.*,,'
$printers3 = $printers2 -replace ',','\'
$printers = $printers3 -replace '}', ''

#To Replace The Old Print Server Name With The New One

$newprinters = $printers -replace 'oldserver','\\newserver'

#Gets Default Printer

$default = Get-itemproperty -Path "HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows" | select device
$default1 = $default -replace '.*='
$default2 = $default1 -replace '()'
$default3 = $default2 -replace ',winspool'
$defaultprinter = $default3 -replace ',.*'

#To Replace The Old Print Server Name With The New One

$newdefaultprinter = $defaultprinter -replace 'oldserver','\\newserver'

#Deletes The Old Printers

Get-WMIObject Win32_Printer | where{$_.Network -eq 'true'} | foreach{$_.delete()}

#Exits PSSession With The Remote Computer


#Turn UAC On

#Value = 0 through 4 depending on the level of UAC

New-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\system -Name ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin -PropertyType DWord -Value 2 -Force

#Turn Off Execution Policy Of Scripts

Set-ExecutionPolicy undefined -Force

#####This is as far as I could get with it. I always turn off UAC and Enable Scripts in the beginning and turn them back on ant the end.  The summary of this script will give you the new network Printer paths and the users default printers.  It also deletes the users old network printers. With powershell versions before windows 8 and server 2012, you would have to create a logon script to add the new printers and mark the default printer using WMI commands.  Use could also use a csv file with a list of computer names as an input if you wish to run this command on multiple computers.  It would look something like...

$csv = Import-csv -Path pathofcsvfile
foreach ($line in $csv) {

#With a bracket at the end to run through each computer in the list...

由于 Windows 的新版本具有 cmdlet,因此这一切都变得更加容易Get-printers...

