将 ecryptfs 与 sshfs 结合使用

将 ecryptfs 与 sshfs 结合使用

我正在尝试在 sshfs 上使用 ecryptfs,以便在新的 NAS 盒上创建和访问加密共享。

以下安装命令适用于 NAS 盒和我的本地计算机:

mount -t ecryptfs /DATA/a_folder /DATA/another_folder



sshfs root@nashost:/DATA/some_folder /home/me/nas_box

在我的本地机器上安装来自 NAS 盒的文件夹。但是一旦我安装了它,如果我尝试像这样使用 ecryptfs

mount -t ecryptfs /home/me/nas_box /DATA/decrypted


Error mounting eCryptfs: [-13] Permission denied
Check your system logs; visit <http://launchpad.net/ecryptfs>


不确定这是否重要但 NAS 盒是 Centos 而我的本地机器是 Ununtu。


在 /var/log/syslog 中发现以下内容

mount.ecryptfs: could not resolve full path for source /home/me/nas_box [-13]



Hello all,

I am trying to mount SSHFS and then mount an ecryptfs encrypted directory inside of it. I have been able to do this with root. I have added the mounts to fstab with a user option so I can have non-root users mounting them. Using a non-root user I am able to mount SSHFS and I can mount an ecryptfs directory as long as the ecryptfs directory is not located within the SSHFS mount. When I try to mount the ecryptfs directory within an SSHFS directory using a non-root use I am presented with an error that there is a misconfiguration.

Anybody have any insight? I am stumped.

Thank You 

高级回复 2012 年 7 月 18 日 #2 Seeked 的头像 Seeked Seeked 处于离线状态 5 杯 Ubuntu

回复:SSHFS 和 ecryptfs

Use enfs instead of eCryptfs.

encfs works in the user space instead of the kernal space by default. 

Last edited by Seeked; July 23rd, 2012 at 08:45 PM. 
