有没有办法创建从 Windows 机器上的文件夹到 Linux 机器上的目录的符号链接?

有没有办法创建从 Windows 机器上的文件夹到 Linux 机器上的目录的符号链接?

我有一个在 Windows VirtualBox VM 上运行的程序,并将数据存储在特定文件夹中。我想从这个文件夹到 Linux 服务器上的目录建立类似符号链接的东西,但我还没有想出可行的解决方案。我尝试将 Linux 文件夹结构映射到驱动器号,然后从“原始”Windows 文件夹到映射到驱动器号的文件夹建立连接,但 Windows 不允许我完成链接。我还尝试使用 SFTP 连接 Linux 目录,但也没有成功。



首先,我在 Linux 机器上安装了 SAMBA,并共享了我想要使用的驱动器。(这是一个完全不同的话题,但你可以找到很多关于如何做到这一点的描述。)

然后,在 Windows 框上,我创建了下面的 Python 3 类来建立链接。

它还可用于创建到 Windows 共享的链接。

但简短的回答是 - 在 Linux 机器上创建共享并在命令提示符中使用 mklink 创建符号链接。


@Author: J. Michael Adams

Please cite the author's name if you use any of this code.

Creates symlinks for share folders

It places all the symlinks in a local folder. The test code defines that folder
as C:\share_symlinks.

This program uses the "mklink" command of the Windows command shell.
That command normally requires elevated administrator privilege.
That requirement can be changed using the "secpol.msc" console under
Security Settings > Local Policies > User Rights Assignment > create symbolic links

It pipes in a list of shares from the "net view" command.

Each output line from net view has this format: share-name "Disk" other-info
If it does not contain " Disk ", then it does not have a share name.

We want to create a symlink for each share.
The links will be created in a particular directory.

You can specify a list of share names that will be excluded - that is, they will
not be linked to. A name can can contain wildcards.

Any share name that matches a name in the exclude list will be ignored.

#TODO: create a config file: excludes, link_dir, remote_drive, notify always, email parms
#TODO: check the permission level
#TODO: check the value of comspec
#TODO: remove obsolete links - links that have the proper remote_drive
#TODO: create an email object for notification
#TODO: create an exception that emails a notification

import os
import subprocess

class LinkManager(object):

    def __init__(self, remote_drive):
        self.remote_drive = remote_drive

        self.share_paths = {}  # share_paths[share name] => full path to share
        self.new_links = {}
        self.all_links = {}
        self.bad_links = {}

    def get_shares(self, excludes=None):

        """ returns a dict: key = share name, value = full path to the share


        import fnmatch

        if type(excludes) is not list:
            if excludes is None:
                excludes = []
            elif type(excludes) is str:
                excludes = [excludes]
                raise Exception

        # Always exclude shares that end with '$'. These are administrative shares in Windows.
        # We want to ignore case when we compare strings in the excludes list.
        # So we'll convert all share names to lower case.
        excludes = [x.lower() for x in excludes]

        ## call net view for the share drive. This might produce "access denied".
        # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3005437/windowserror-error-5-access-is-denied
        cmd = "net view {} /all".format(remote_drive)

        proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
                                shell=True, universal_newlines=True)
        (out, err) = proc.communicate()

        if err:
            return out, err  #TODO: should be an exception

        ## get the output of the command and parse the share names
        # we'll convert all lines to lower case.
        # Since this is Windows, file names are case insensitive.
        # We do this so we can compare to the lower case names in the exclude list.
        lines = out.lower().split('\n')

        for line in lines:

            # search for " disk " surrounded by a space, in case "disk" is a share name.
            if " disk " not in line:

            share = line.split(' disk ')[0].strip()

            # Check the share name against the exclude list.
            # The list can have names with wildcards ('*' and '?'),
            # so we'll use fnmatch() to check it.
            found = False
            for exclude in excludes:
                if fnmatch.fnmatch(share, exclude):
                    found = True
            if found:

            self.share_paths[share] = os.path.join(remote_drive, share)

        return '', ''

    def make_links(self, link_dir):

         link_dir is the full path to the directory that will contain the links
         self.share_paths is a dict: share-name => target

         returns 3 dicts:
                new_links: a dict of all newly created links,
                all_links: a dict of all links in the link directory
                bad_links: links that do not point to the share base.

                key = link (full path)
                value = target (full path)

                for bad_link: if the value is None, the link path is not a link
         a dict of created links:

        result = []
        for share, path in self.share_paths.items():

            # Create a symlink to the link directory.

            link = os.path.join(link_dir, share)

            self.all_links[link] = path

            # If it's already a link, it should point to the proper place
            # If the link name exists, but it's not a link
            # it's an error (or at least an issue).
            if os.path.exists(link):
                if os.path.islink(link):
                    relative_target = os.readlink(link)
                    target = os.path.realpath(relative_target)
                    if target != path:
                        self.bad_links[link] = target
                    self.bad_links[link] = None

            proc = subprocess.Popen(["mklink", "/D", link, path],
                                    stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
            (out, err) = proc.communicate()
            #TODO: check the output. err should be empty. out should not be.
            print("program output: ", out)
            print("program err: ", err)

            self.new_links[link] = path

            result.append((out, err))


    def remove_obsolete(self):

        # for each link in the directory, see if the name is a share. If not, remove it.
        #TODO: code it.
    def remove_link(self, link):

        if os.path.islink(link):
            # This removes the link, not the target
            proc = subprocess.Popen(["rmdir", link], stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
                                    stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
            (out, err) = proc.communicate()
            out = ''
            err = "{} is not a link".format(link)

        return out, err

    # send an email to server_notifications

############## TEST ############################

# define the shares that will not be linked to.
# The routine "get_shares() will add the entry '*$' to the
# exclude list.

excludes = ['trash', 'home', 'Users']

link_dir = r'C:\share_symlinks'
remote_drive = r'\\bilbao'

mgr = LinkManager(remote_drive)


testing = False
if testing:
    for link, full_share in mgr.all_links.items():

        sysout, syserr = mgr.remove_link(link)
        # both err and out should be blank

        print('rmdir out: {}'.format(sysout))
        print('rmdir err: {}'.format(syserr))




如果你无法在程序设置中更改文件夹,那么你可能什么也做不了,只能在 Linux PC 上创建 iSCSI 目标(文件目标可能,以保持分区完整)并使用 Windows VM 上的 iSCSI 启动器连接到它(MS iSCSI 启动器StarWind iSCSI 启动器)。


更新:我找到了一个解决方案,它看起来很有希望并且不需要处理 iSCSI:有没有办法将 UNC 路径映射到 Windows 2003 上的本地文件夹?。它看起来mklink能够映射网络共享(真丢脸,我应该检查一下的),如果失败了,你可以尝试适用于 Windows XP 的符号链接驱动程序
