Wireshark 中的 https 请求调用捕获

Wireshark 中的 https 请求调用捕获

我已经安装了 Wireshark 和基于 Windows 的应用程序(待分析),它使用 https 请求身份验证来验证用户。当我使用接口 -- > 捕获时,我系统的所有请求都被捕获,但 Wireshark 捕获中未找到 oathu https 请求。



Installed windows based application which is to be analyzed.

Wireshark interface --> capture started  and it is capturing packets.

Started Windows Application -->login page -> username and password are entered --> submitted for Authentication.

Authentication goes to oauth-some-url.com(some:iurl:ip:address) and comes back to Application as Successful Login.

Wireshark just stopped and saved all captures

Searched for (some:iurl:ip:address) but no captures found for that IP from Wireshark logs.
