

dd可以重复写\0 字节非常快地写入文件,但它不能写入重复的任意字符串。
有没有bash shell任意重复写入的方法字符串与“dd”一样快(包括\0)?

我在 6 个月的 Linux 中遇到的所有建议都是类似的printf "%${1}s" | sed -e "s/ /${2}/g",但这与 相比慢得令人痛苦dd,如下所示,并且sed在大约 384 MB(在我的盒子上)后崩溃——实际上这对于单行来说还不错——长度:)——但它确实崩溃了!我想如果字符串包含换行符,


                            real        user        sys       
WRITE 384 MB: 'dd'          0m03.833s   0m00.004s   0m00.548s
WRITE 384 MB: 'printf+sed'  1m39.551s   1m34.754s   0m02.968s

# the two commands used   
dd if=/dev/zero bs=1024 count=$((1024*384))
printf "%$((1024*1024*384))s" |sed -e "s/ /x/g"

我有一个想法如何做到这一点bash shell脚本,但没有必要重新发明轮子。 :)


$ time perl -e \
    '$count=1024*1024; while ($count>0) { print "x" x 384; $count--; }' > out
real    0m1.284s
user    0m0.316s
sys 0m0.961s
$ ls -lh out
-rw-r--r-- 1 me group 384M Apr 16 19:47 out

"x" x 384将(生成 384 的字符串)替换x为您喜欢的任何内容。


$ perl -e \
   '$count=384; while ($count>0) {
      syswrite(STDOUT, "x" x (1024*1024),  1024*1024);
    }' > out

在这种情况下,syswrite调用一次将 1M 传递给底层write系统调用,这变得非常好。 (我用这个得到了大约 0.940 秒的用户。)

提示:确保sync在每个测试之间进行调用,以避免前一次运行的刷新干扰当前运行的 I/O。


$ time dd if=/dev/zero bs=1024 count=$((1024*384)) of=./out
393216+0 records in
393216+0 records out
402653184 bytes (403 MB) copied, 1.41404 s, 285 MB/s

real    0m1.480s
user    0m0.054s
sys 0m1.410s


人们普遍认为 shell 处理大块数据的速度很慢。对于大多数脚本,您提前知道哪些数据位可能很小,哪些数据位可能很大。

  • 更喜欢依赖 shell 内置函数来处理小数据,因为分叉和执行外部进程会产生持续的开销。
  • 更喜欢依赖外部的专用工具来处理大数据,因为专用编译工具比解释型通用语言更有效。

dd使用块大小的发出read和调用。write您可以使用 strace (或 truss、trace...取决于您的操作系统)观察这一点:

$ strace -s9 dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/null ibs=1024k obs=2048k count=4
read(0, "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"..., 1048576) = 1048576
read(0, "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"..., 1048576) = 1048576
write(1, "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"..., 2097152) = 2097152
read(0, "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"..., 1048576) = 1048576
read(0, "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"..., 1048576) = 1048576
write(1, "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"..., 2097152) = 2097152




dd if=$FILE of=$FILE bs=$STRING_LENGTH seek=1 count=$REPEAT_TIMES

注意:如果你的 $STRING_LENGTH 很小,你可能会这样做

dd if=$FILE of=$FILE bs=$STRING_LENGTH seek=1 count=$((1024/$REPEAT_TIMES))
dd if=$FILE of=$FILE bs=1024 seek=1 count=$(($REPEAT_TIMES/1024))

(此示例仅在 STRING_LENGTH 是 2 的幂且 REPEAT_TIMES 是 1024 的倍数时有效,但您明白了)



我终于有了关于如何完成这项工作的想法......它使用tee| tee|tee链条,其运行速度接近dd..

# ============================================================================
# repstr
# Brief:
#   Make multiple (repeat) copies of a string.
#   Option -e, --eval is used as in 'echo -e'
# Return:
#   The resulting string is sent to stdout
#   Args:       Option      $1         $2
#             -e, --eval   COUNT      STRING
#     repstr             $((2**40))    "x"       # 1 TB:     xxxxxxxxx...
# eg. repstr  -e            7         "AB\tC\n"  # 7 lines:  AB<TAB>C
#     repstr                2         "ऑढळ|a"   # 2 copies:  ऑढळ|aऑढळ|a 

[[ "$1" == "-e" || "$1" == "--eval" ]] && { e="-e"; shift 1; }|| e=""
[[ "${count}" == ""         ]] && exit 1 # $count must be an integer
[[ "${count//[0-9]/}" != "" ]] && exit 2 # $count is not an integer
[[ "${count}" == "0"        ]] && exit 0 # nothing to do
[[ "${string}" == ""        ]] && exit 0 # nothing to do
# ========================================================================
# Find the highest 'power of 2' which, when calculated**, is <= count
#   ie. check ascending 'powers of 2'
((leqXpo=0))  # Exponent which makes 2** <= count 
((leqCnt=1))  # A count which is <= count
while ((count>=leqCnt)) ;do
# ======================================================================================
# Output $string to 'tee's which are daisy-chained in groups of descending 'powers of 2'
for ((xpo=leqXpo ;xpo>0 ;xpo--)) ;do
  if ((todo>=(2**xpo))) ; then
    for ((t=0 ;t<xpo ;t++)) ;do tchain="$tchain|tee -" ;done
    eval echo -n $e \"'$string'\" $tchain # >/dev/null
if ((todo==1)) ;then 
  eval echo -n $e \"'$string'\" # >/dev/null

这是一些时间测试结果..我已经达到了 32 GB,因为这大约是我想要创建的测试文件的大小(这就是我开始解决这个问题的原因)

NOTE: (2**30), etc. refers to the number of strings (to achieve a particular GB filesize)
dd method (just for reference)                              real/user/sys
* 8GB                                                       =================================
    if=/dev/zero bs=1024 count=$(((1024**2)*8))         #   2m46.941s / 00m3.828s / 0m56.864s

tee method: fewer tests, because it didn't overflow, and the number-of-strings:time ratio is linear
tee method:              count        string                real/user/sys  
* 8GB                    ==========   ============          =================================
  tee(2**33)>stdout      $((2**33))   "x"               #   1m50.605s / 0m01.496s / 0m27.774s
  tee(2**30)>stdout  -e  $((2**30))   "xxx\txxx\n"      #   1m49.055s / 0m01.560s / 0m27.750s
* 32GB                                                     
  tee(2**35)>stdout  -e  $((2**35))   "x"               #   
  tee(2**32)>stdout  -e  $((2**32))   "xxx\txxx\n"      #   7m34.867s / 0m06.020s / 1m52.459s

python method: '.write'  uses 'file.write()' 
               '>stcout' uses 'sys.stdout.write()'. It handles \n in args (but I know very little python)
                            count   string                   real/user/sys
* 8GB                       =====   ===================      =================================
  python(2**33)a .write     2**33    "x"                 # OverflowError: repeated string is too long
  python(2**33)a >stdout    2**33    "x"                 # OverflowError: repeated string is too long
  python(2**30)b .write     2**30   '"xxxxxxxX" *2**0'   #   6m52.576s / 6m32.325s / 0m19.701s
  python(2**30)b >stdout    2**30   '"xxxxxxxX" *2**0'   #   8m11.374s / 7m49.101s / 0m19.573s
  python(2**30)c .write     2**20   '"xxxxxxxX" *2**10'  #   2m14.693s / 0m03.464s / 0m22.585s 
  python(2**30)c >stdout    2**20   '"xxxxxxxX" *2**10'  #   2m32.114s / 0m03.828s / 0m22.497s
  python(2**30)d .write     2**10   '"xxxxxxxX" *2**20'  #   2m16.495s / 0m00.024s / 0m12.029s
  python(2**30)d >stdout    2**10   '"xxxxxxxX" *2**20'  #   2m24.848s / 0m00.060s / 0m11.925s
  python(2**30)e .write     2**0    '"xxxxxxxX" *2**30'  # OverflowError: repeated string is too long
  python(2**30)e >stdout    2**0    '"xxxxxxxX" *2**30'  # OverflowError: repeated string is too long
* 32GB
  python(2**32)f.write      2**12   '"xxxxxxxX" *2**20'  #   7m58.608s / 0m00.160s / 0m48.703s
  python(2**32)f>stdout     2**12   '"xxxxxxxX" *2**20'  #   7m14.858s / 0m00.136s / 0m49.087s

perl method:
                           count   string                    real      / user       / sys
* 8GB                      =====   ===================       =================================
  perl(2**33)a .syswrite>  2**33    "a"        x 2**0    # Sloooooow! It would take 24 hours.   I extrapolated after 1 hour.   
  perl(2**33)a >stdout     2**33    "a"        x 2**0    #  31m46.405s / 31m13.925s /  0m22.745s
  perl(2**30)b .syswrite>  2**30    "aaaaaaaA" x 2**0    # 100m41.394s / 11m11.846s / 89m27.175s
  perl(2**30)b >stdout     2**30    "aaaaaaaA" x 2**0    #   4m15.553s /  3m54.615s /  0m19.949s
  perl(2**30)c .syswrite>  2**20    "aaaaaaaA" x 2**10   #   1m47.996s /  0m10.941s /  0m15.017s
  perl(2**30)c >stdout     2**20    "aaaaaaaA" x 2**10   #   1m47.608s /  0m12.237s /  0m23.761s
  perl(2**30)d .syswrite>  2**10    "aaaaaaaA" x 2**20   #   1m52.062s /  0m10.373s /  0m13.253s
  perl(2**30)d >stdout     2**10    "aaaaaaaA" x 2**20   #   1m48.499s /  0m13.361s /  0m22.197s
  perl(2**30)e .syswrite>  2**0     "aaaaaaaA" x 2**30   # Out of memory during string extend at -e line 1.   
  perl(2**30)e >stdout     2**0     "aaaaaaaA" x 2**30   # Out of memory during string extend at -e line 1.   
* 32GB
  perl(2**32)f .syswrite>  2**12    "aaaaaaaA" x 2**20   #   7m34.241s /  0m41.447s / 0m51.727s
  perl(2**32)f >stdout     2**12    "aaaaaaaA" x 2**20   #  10m58.444s /  0m53.771s / 1m28.498s
