

我无法启动 Hyper V 虚拟机。我收到以下消息:

[Window Title]
Virtual Machine Connection

[Main Instruction]
The application encountered an error while attempting to change the state of 'Ubuntu'.

'Ubuntu' could not initialize.

The virtual machine could not be started because the hypervisor is not running. 

[Expanded Information]
'Ubuntu' could not initialize. (Virtual machine ID 482FFAEF-4BDD-4C1D-86D8-A505A5196EFC)

The virtual machine could not be started because the hypervisor is not running.  The following actions may help you resolve the problem:

1) Verify that the processor of the physical computer has a supported version of hardware-assisted virtualization.

2) Verify that hardware-assisted virtualization and hardware-assisted data execution protection are enabled in the BIOS of the physical computer.  (If you edit the BIOS to enable either setting, you must turn off the power to the physical computer and then turn it back on.  Resetting the physical computer is not sufficient.)

3) If you have made changes to the Boot Configuration Data store, review these changes to ensure that the hypervisor is configured to launch automatically.

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我已检查 BIOS 中是否启用了虚拟化。我的 CPU -AMD Athlon/Karbini 5350和主板 - ASRock am1b-itx。操作系统 - Windows Server 2008 R2

我也尝试过 VMWare,它可以工作(我已经卸载它,并且机器上没有任何其他虚拟机)。



所以我终于找到了解决方案。重新安装操作系统、调试 BIOS、尝试互联网上所有可能的解决方案后,我终于找到了它: http://www.overclockers.com/forums/showthread.php/690662-AMD-FX-series-and-Hyper-V。问题出在我的 CPU + 操作系统上。我只需要安装此补丁...
