Video DownloadHelper 现在建议我安装 Homebrew。我应该安装吗?

Video DownloadHelper 现在建议我安装 Homebrew。我应该安装吗?

简而言之,我没有很好的 IT 背景。对于日常任务来说,我认为自己高于平均水平。我不是工作管理员,但我知道什么时候我弄断了电缆,以及应该把它放到哪里等等……

基本上是我在 Firefox 中使用的插件之一,视频下载助手— 不用它来盗版;而是用它来稍后观看视频 — 现在建议我需要安装 Libav 系列工具和库,为此我需要安装 Homebrew 来促进这一点。


这是一个大套餐吗?我目前每月的配额有限,因为我在供应商之间使用移动宽带。如果它很大——看起来需要很大——我猜?——我会等到我解决了我的新 ISP。以及更大的带宽配额。

尝试安装时出现的问题sudo;我假设您需要sudo使用该命令(没有相关背景)来安装它,并且它是安装 Homebrew 的安装脚本/包的一部分(因为它需要由 root 拥有)?

我还被告知我可能需要安装 Xcode 4 — 我在 Mac OS X 10.8 (Mountain Lion) — 以确保 Homebrew 正常运行?这是真的吗?如何检查我是否安装了 Xcode?我发现有一个终端命令?据我了解,Xcode 是一个 Apple 开发工具,如果需要,我可以离线使用它?

如果要抓取视频,我偶尔会使用暴力手段(例如 QuickTime、Soundflower 和 SoundflowerBed),但我更喜欢 Video DownloadHelper,因为它是一种更干净的获取方式(例如,如果你只是想保存一个技术性的“如何做...”这样你就可以在尝试做的时候观看它等等)。



这是一个大套餐吗?我目前每月的配额有限,因为我在供应商之间使用移动宽带。如果它很大——看起来需要很大——我猜?——我会等到我解决了我的新 ISP。以及更大的带宽配额。

Homebrew 本身不会超出你的每月带宽限额。但 Xcode可能如果您选择安装它,则会耗尽您的每月带宽限额……但您不需要它。

这是因为现在 Homebrew 无需完整安装 Xcode 即可运行。Apple 现在可以安装开发人员命令行工具(让 Homebrew 编译代码的工具),这些工具占用的空间要小得多,非常适合我们这些不进行 Xcode 特定开发的普通人。

Xcode 本身不会让 Homebrew 运行得“更好”,但就文件大小而言,安装它绝非易事。根据操作系统和版本的不同,它的大小为 3GB 到 4GB。

因此,如果带宽配额是一个问题,那么安装 Xcode 本身将是该带宽的最大消耗者。但是,如果您可以安装 Apple 的开发人员命令行工具,那么现在您真的不需要 Xcode for Homebrew。更多详细信息如下。


基本上是我在 Firefox 中使用的插件之一,视频下载助手— 不使用它来盗版;而是用它来稍后观看视频 — 现在建议我需要安装 Libav 系列工具和库,为此我需要安装 Homebrew 来促进这一点。

Yes, it seems that Libav and Homebrew are required for video conversion part of Video DownloadHelper as explained here.

Is it a big package? I am currently on limited monthly allowances as I am on Mobile Broadband whilst between suppliers. If it is big—it looks like it would need to be - I am assuming?—I will wait until I have my new ISP sorted out. And a bigger bandwidth allowance.

While Homebrew itself is not that big in file size, Homebrew requires some Apple developer command line tools to be installed. There are two choices you can make to install the Apple developer command line tools: Install the full Xcode package or just install the Apple developer command line tools instead.

  • Don’t Install Xcode if Size Matters: As of my posting this answer, the latest version of Xcode is 3.59GB in size. All other versions of Xcode are at least 1GB in size and tend to be 3GB to 4GB in size. You really don’t need the full Xcode unless you are doing Mac OS X specific or iOS development
  • Do Install the Apple developer command line tools: In contrast, the command line tools are about 10x smaller in size. For example, the Mac OS X 10.8 (Mountain Lion) specific version of the command line tools is about 118MB to download. Much better option for users who need to compile things from the command line manually or via tools like Homebrew than a full blown Xcode install. You can download the package installer from here or you can open up the Terminal and type in this command: xcode-select --install. Just choose “Install” (don’t click “Get Xcode”; see picture below) and let the process complete. When done you will have all of the necessary command line tools Homebrew needs to compile from source.


Now this:

The sudo issue when trying to install it; I am assuming that you need to have the sudo command being used—don’t have a background with it—to install it and that it is part of the installation script/package for installing Homebrew (as it needs to be owned by the root)?

Are you an administrator on your local Mac OS X 10.8 (Mountain Lion) machine? Because all running a command via sudo means is you are running it as root which means “administrator.” So as long as you are an administrator on your machine and you know your password, you should be good to go.

I have also been told that I may need to have Xcode 4—I’m on Mac OS X 10.8 (Mountain Lion)—to ensure that Homebrew runs OK? Is this true? How do I check that I have Xcode installed? I’m figuring there is a terminal command?

You don’t need a full Xcode install to use Homebrew if you can install the Apple command line tools instead. Xcode won’t make anything work better. All Homebrew does is automate the process of compiling source code in Mac OS X. So without some command line compilers, Homebrew cannot work at all.

也就是说,如果您认为您没有安装 Xcode,通常它就没有安装。在早期版本的 Mac OS X 上,Developer/您的硬盘驱动器根目录上会安装一个目录。在较新版本的 Mac OS X(10.9.5 及以上版本)上,您的目录中应该有一个实际的 Xcode 应用程序(名为“Xcode”)Applications/

据我了解,Xcode 是一个 Apple 开发工具,如果需要的话我可以离线使用它吗?

不可以。除非你能找人帮你下载并复制,否则你无法离线获取它。你需要从苹果下载。要么从苹果应用商店下载。或者你可以从苹果的官方 Xcode 网站就在这里。



Homebrew 并不大,根据以下信息,libav 的瓶子大小为 8.3M:

wget --spider

在默认位置安装 homebrew 确实需要 sudo 权限,但此后安装软件包时无需 sudo。您可以选择将 homebrew 放在主目录中,这样就无需 sudo。

您只需要命令行工具而不是完整的 Xcode。请参阅此答案以了解更多信息关于获得它们。

