RHEL 7 中的等效命令是什么ntpstat
# ntpstat
synchronised to NTP server (ntp server ip) at stratum 5
time correct to within 102 ms
polling server every 512 s
简短回答:可能chronyc tracking
NTP 服务器包由官方 CentOS/RHEL 7 存储库默认提供。
一般来说,RHEL 7 中使用两个主要包来设置客户端:
NTTP 协议:这是经典软件包,已存在于 RHEL 6、RHEL 5 等中。
可以以 root 身份发出以下命令来安装:yum install ntp # this to install systemctl enable ntpd # this to activate systemctl start ntpd # this to start ntpq -p # for info about the time synchronization process ntpstat # to have a report systemctl stop ntpd # To synchronize a server you need: to stop ntpdate pool.ntp.org # synchronize systemctl start ntpd # and start again
慢性的:这是一个新的解决方案,更适合便携式 PC 或具有网络连接问题的服务器(时间同步更快)。chrony 是 RHEL 7 中的默认软件包。
yum install -y chrony # to install systemctl enable chronyd # to enable systemctl start chronyd # to start chronyc tracking # To get information about the main time reference chronyc sources -v # equivalent information to the ntpq ntpdate pool.ntp.org # To quickly synchronize a server