

我有一个Linux汽车播放器。我需要找到该设备的语言文件,设备有太多菜单,但只有英语和中文。我找不到任何有关语言的文件或文件夹; lang、语言、英语、中文 例如。在此处检查设备视频:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1FQJ6_WvaZg

我想,我搜索到了错误的驱动器。可能该设备有另一个驱动器。我确实使用 lsblk 命令检查了驱动器。您可以在下面看到 ls 命令输出和 lsbkl 命令输出。

我可以确定 lsblk 命令显示该设备的所有驱动器吗? mmcblk0 驱动器是什么?我怎样才能看到这个未标记的驱动器的文件?还有 mmcblk0boot0 和 mmcblk0boot1 吗?

root@dra7xx-g5-r1:/# ls
bin         home        media       proc        svp         var
boot        include     mnt         run         sys         var.tar
dev         lib         mtp         sbin        tmp
etc         lost+found  opt         storage     usr

root@dra7xx-g5-r1:/# lsblk
mmcblk0boot0 179:8    0    4M  1 disk
mmcblk0boot1 179:16   0    4M  1 disk
mmcblk0      179:0    0  1.8G  0 disk
|-mmcblk0p1  179:1    0  302M  0 part /
|-mmcblk0p2  179:2    0  516M  0 part /svp
|-mmcblk0p3  179:3    0  182M  0 part /storage
`-mmcblk0p4  179:4    0   78M  0 part /storage/data

root@dra7xx-g5-r1:/# df -h
Filesystem                Size      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/root               223.4M    204.6M     14.3M  93% /
devtmpfs                444.0M     12.0K    444.0M   0% /dev
tmpfs                    32.0M    636.0K     31.4M   2% /tmp
tmpfs                    16.0M         0     16.0M   0% /media
tmpfs                    16.0M    748.0K     15.3M   5% /var
tmpfs                    32.0M         0     32.0M   0% /mtp
tmpfs                   504.1M         0    504.1M   0% /run
/dev/mmcblk0p3          172.2M     68.9M     90.6M  43% /storage
/dev/mmcblk0p2          491.9M    184.4M    271.4M  40% /svp
/dev/mmcblk0p4           71.5M      9.0M     57.1M  14% /storage/data


U-Boot SPL 2014.07-00209-g36d39ae (Dec 07 2017 - 14:12:00)
DRA722-GP ES1.0
Board identified, using 0 entries B(60) C(60)
Get: magic=0x81488148 flag=0x00000000

 starting kernel ...
[    0.000000] GIC CPU mask not found - kernel will fail to boot.
[    0.000000] GIC CPU mask not found - kernel will fail to boot.
[    0.018988] /cpus/cpu@0 missing clock-frequency property
[    0.499184] ak8859 2-0044: failed to get 8859 video status ERR 0
[    0.505343] ak8859 2-0044: Camera not connected
[    0.514551] omap_voltdm 4a0025cc.voltdm: Unable to get vdd regulator:-517
[    0.521441] coproc iva_coproc: coproc clock notifier not ready, retry
[    0.528103] omap_voltdm 4a0025e0.voltdm: Unable to get vdd regulator:-517
[    0.535517] coproc dsp_coproc: coproc clock notifier not ready, retry
[    0.584878] omap-sham 4b101000.sham: initialization failed.
[    0.601248] dra7xx-mib2-card mib2_sound@0: mclk not found -2.
[    0.612235] omap_voltdm 4a003b20.voltdm: Unable to get vdd regulator:-517
[    0.619062] cpu cpu0: cpu0 clock notifier not ready, retry
[    0.699935] prom_parse: Bad cell count for /ocp/i2c@48070000/tps65917@58
[    0.720371] prom_parse: Bad cell count for /ocp/i2c@48070000/tps65917@58
Hello g5
OSRVC:MSG:rvc_os build Dec  7 2017 14:12:14
OS:svapi:set gfx 8 success and value = 255,svapi_set_gfx_mode,421,pid = 948.
OSRVC:MSG:OSRVC: rvc_os_queue_config
OS:svapi:svapi_gamma_get gamma_curve_number = 7,done.
OSRVC:MSG:receive sigal cmd 0, on_off 1
OSRVC:MSG:OSRVC: stop RVC, rvc_service_startup_status=0
OSRVC:MSG:set alpha=255,alpha_vid2 = 255.
OS:svapi:set gfx 8 success and value = 255,svapi_set_gfx_mode,421,pid = 948.
OS:svapi:set vid 8 success.
OSRVC:MSG:stop_signal: change video order to 0,rvc_service_startup_status=0
OSRVC:ERR:rvc data link run,thread id = 3068421232.
MSG:vip-vpe-display,disp_kms_open,938: disp_kms_open starting

MSG:vip-vpe-display,disp_kms_open,969: using 1 connectors, 800x480 display, multiplanar: 1
MSG:vip-vpe-display,os_vip_init,671: os_vip_init success!!!
the size of the rollback is 36
OSRVC:ERR:YY:update_flag = 0x0.
OSRVC:MSG:thread_display_logo_entrance start****logo_rvc_status = -1,thread id = 3051644016
MSG:vip-vpe-display,disp_kms_open,938: disp_kms_open starting

MSG:vip-vpe-display,disp_kms_open,969: using 1 connectors, 800x480 display, multiplanar: 1
OSRVC:MSG:thread_display_radar_entrance radar_display->get_gfx_buffers
MSG:vip-vpe-display,os_vip_open,533: os_vip_open success!!!
MSG:vip-vpe-display,os_vip_config,196: vip: G_FMT(start): width = 720, height = 288, 4cc = YUYV

MSG:vip-vpe-display,os_vip_config,209: vip: allocated buffers = 6

OS:svapi:svapi_exlap_logo_get done
MSG:vip-vpe-display,os_vpe_set_crop,160: crop params:vpe->crop.c.height = 288

MSG:vip-vpe-display,os_vpe_set_crop,167: setting  crop params done!

MSG:vip-vpe-display,os_vpe_input_config,283: vpe i/p: allocated buffers = 6

MSG:vip-vpe-display,post_vid_buffer,456: start rvc first frame,thread id = 0xb5e46470.
OS:svapi:set gfx 8 success and value = 0,svapi_set_gfx_mode,421,pid = 948.
OSRVC:MSG:svapi_set_gfx_mode 354
INIT: version 2.88 booting
Starting udev
Starting syslogd/klogd: done
update-rc.d: /etc/init.d/run-postinsts exists during rc.d purge (continuing)
INIT: Entering runlevel: 5up links for run-postins
Configuring network interfaces... done.
Starting system message bus: dbus.
not need to load firmware
failed to load module: /usr/lib/gbm/gbm_dri.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
failed to load module: /usr/lib/gbm/gbm_gallium_drm.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
loaded module: gbm_pvr.so
PVR: Hint: Setting PDSFragBufferSize to 1024000

PVR: Hint: Setting ParamBufferSize to 0

PVR:(Warning): PVRSRVOpenDCDevice: Warning - 138 returned [80, /bridged_pvr_dc_glue.c]
Starting system PulseAudio Daemon
insmod usb module driver
Wed Jan  1 12:00:00 CST 2014
SYSTEM_VERSION    :MIB2-C-V18-20171207
KERNEL_VERSION    :MIB2-C-V18-20171207
U-BOOT_VERSION    :MIB2-C-V15-20170811
SYSTEM_BUILD_DATE :2017-12-07 14:13:39+08:00
Starting HMI
mount: can't find /storage/data in /etc/fstab
[SVP] SVP_BUILD_DATE :2017-04-18 17:35:00+08:00
[SVP] Starting ...
[SVP] Clear tmp data.
[SVP] Setup ENV for Normal Boot-Up ...
[SVP] mount return 0...
[SVP] Create cgroups ...
[SVP] Starting Service - "persistservice"
[SVP] Starting Service - "devicemgr"
[SVP] Starting Service - "audiomgr"
[SVP] Starting Service - "powermgr"
[SVP] Starting Service - "sourcemgr"
[SVP] Starting Service - "ilmservice"
[SVP] Starting Service - "appmgr"
[SVP] Starting Service - "cameraservice"
[SVP] Starting Service - "canservice"
[SVP] Starting Service - "tunerservice"
[SVP] Starting Service - "auxservice"
[SVP] Starting Service - "btservice"
[SVP] Starting Service - "mediaservice"
[SVP] Starting Service - "ipodservice"
[SVP] Starting Service - "exlapservice"
[SVP] Starting Service - "promptservice"
[SVP] Starting Service - "file-explorerservice"
[SVP] Starting Service - "updateservice"
[SVP] Starting Service - "engineeringservice"
[SVP] Starting Service - "mdnsd"
[SVP] Starting Service - "carplayservice"
[SVP] Starting Service - "carlifeservice"
[SVP] Starting Service - "mirrorlinkservice"
[SVP] Starting Service - "connectionservice"
[SVP] Starting Service - "miniplayerservice"
[SVP] Drop caches.
(1217|0xB6F43000) [app-utils] INFO: SVP_StartApp(APP_PLATFORM_CONST_VPANEL, StartInShell, 1, 1)
[    3.626812]
[    3.626812]  mcu_spi radio sync fail......error...
[    3.626812]
(1177|0xB6F0E000) [powerctrl] INFO: SetPowerState() - PS_FIRST_CONNECT_COMPLETE, 0x00
(1184|0xB5DA2460) [sourcemgr] INFO: SetSourceStatus() - src_id (3): SID_AUX_0, src_status: SS_DETACHED
(1184|0xB4DA2460) [sourcemgr] INFO: SetSourceStatus() - src_id (3): SID_AUX_0, src_status: SS_DETACHED
(1217|0xB6F43000) [libapp] INFO: StartApp()- app_id: 12, mode: StartInShell request_type:1 display_pri: 1 option:
(1310|0xB6F95000) [app-utils] INFO: SVP_StartApp(APP_PLATFORM_CONST_STATUSBAR, StartInShell, 1, 0)
(1310|0xB6F95000) [libapp] INFO: StartApp()- app_id: 13, mode: StartInShell request_type:1 display_pri: 0 option:
(1314|0xB6F6A000) [app-utils] INFO: SVP_StartApp(APP_PLATFORM_CONST_TIP, StartInShell, 1, 0)
(1314|0xB6F6A000) [libapp] INFO: StartApp()- app_id: 16, mode: StartInShell request_type:1 display_pri: 0 option:
(1319|0xB6F20000) [app-utils] INFO: SVP_StartApp(APP_PLATFORM_CONST_LAUNCHER, StartInShell, 1, 1)
(1319|0xB6F20000) [libapp] INFO: StartApp()- app_id: 14, mode: StartInShell request_type:1 display_pri: 1 option:
BGW: >>>>>>>>>>>> close btlog
BGW: BtOnOff(1), BtCountryLimitation(1), BtPhone(1), BtAudio(1), BtMultiMedia(1)
(1328|0xB6FAB000) [app-utils] INFO: SVP_StartApp(APP_PLATFORM_CONST_CAMERA, StartInShell, 1, 0)
(1328|0xB6FAB000) [libapp] INFO: StartApp()- app_id: 18, mode: StartInShell request_type:1 display_pri: 0 option:
btservice|vs - Setting_ClearRequestList
btservice|vs - Setting_State_IDLE
btservice|vs - SMS_State_WaitReuqest
btservice|vs - Update_State_Wait
btservice|vs - Music_State_Wait
btservice|vs - Music_Timer_Stop
btservice|vs - Connect_ClearCLInfos
btservice|vs - Connect_State_Wait
BGW: vs_SetCLStatus(0)

dra7xx-g5-r1 login: PVR: Hint: Setting PDSFragBufferSize to 1024000

PVR: Hint: Setting ParamBufferSize to 0

PVR:(Warning): LoadWSModule: Window system module libpvrws_KMS.so did not validate native display [98, /generic_ws.c]
PVR:(Warning): PVRSRVOpenDCDevice: Warning - 138 returned [80, /bridged_pvr_dc_glue.c]
(1184|0xB4DA2460) [sourcemgr] INFO: SetSourceStatus() - src_id (34): SID_CARLIFE_MEDIA, src_status: SS_DETACHED
(1184|0xB45A2460) [sourcemgr] INFO: SetSourceStatus() - src_id (35): SID_CARLIFE_NAVI, src_status: SS_DETACHED
(1184|0xB55A2460) [sourcemgr] INFO: SetSourceStatus() - src_id (36): SID_CARLIFE_PROMPT, src_status: SS_DETACHED
(1184|0xB55A2460) [sourcemgr] INFO: SetSourceStatus() - src_id (37): SID_CARLI




不过,我建议您在开始以 root 身份进行更改之前,在 google 中搜索“初学者介绍 linux 命令行”。
