通过OS X brew列出并安装旧版unison版本

通过OS X brew列出并安装旧版unison版本

我正在尝试使用 unison 在我的新 OS X el capitan MBP 和运行 ubuntu 14.04 的工作电脑之间同步文件。当我运行同步配置文件时,我收到以下回溯 Fatal error: Received unexpected header from the server: expected "Unison 2.48\n" but received "Unison 2.40\n\000\000\000\000\017", which differs at "Unison 2.40". This can happen because you have different versions of Unison installed on the client and server machines, or because your connection is failing and somebody is printing an error message, or because your remote login shell is printing something itself before starting Unison.

基于本网站这个问题似乎可以通过改用早期版本的 unison 来解决。不幸的是,这种方法的细节不再有效,因为 Error: The `versions` command is no longer supported. You can use the homebrew-versions tap instead: https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-versions Or use `brew log` to browse the git history.

如果我那么做brew tap homebrew-versions我得到Error: Invalid tap name

我应该如何尝试参考网站上的建议(查找并恢复到适合 el capitan 的 unison 版本)Homebrew 0.9.5 (git revision 0f0c; last commit 2015-10-16)



以下是我通过 Homebrew 在本地安装 Unison 2.40 的方法:

brew uninstall unison
brew install homebrew/versions/unison240


我认为您正在寻找的 brew 包是brew tap homebrew/versions

还有适用于 Unison 2.40 的 Mac 二进制包可用这里
