从 Excel 单元格返回子字符串

从 Excel 单元格返回子字符串

我正在尝试找到一个公式来从可以包含附加信息的单元格中提取帐号。帐号始终以“A”或“U”开头,然后有 6 个数字,例如 A123456 或 U654321。

单元格可以只包含帐号,也可以包含其他数据,例如“ADT CASH DEPOSIT A235999”或“FNB APP PAYMENT FROM A230275”



Public Function AccountNo(thiscell As Range) As String
    Dim numlen As Integer, cellText As String
    Dim i As Long, rest As String, firstletter As String

    AccountNo = ""
    numlen = 6
    cellText = thiscell.Text
    For i = 1 To Len(cellText) - numlen
        firstletter = UCase(Mid(cellText, i, 1))
        If (firstletter = "A" Or firstletter = "U") Then
            rest = Mid(cellText, i + 1, numlen)
            If IsNumeric(rest) Then
                AccountNo = firstletter & rest
                Exit Function
            End If
        End If
    Next i
End Function


此 UDF 可检测帐号,无论它位于何处:

Public Function accounts(cellText As String)
    accounts = ""
    numberlength = 6
    posText = 0
    lenText = Len(cellText)
    For i = 1 To lenText
        midText = Mid(cellText, i, numberlength)
        If IsNumeric(midText) = True Then
            posText = i
            letterText = Mid(cellText, posText - 1, 1)
            If (letterText = "A" Or letterText = "U") Then
                accounts = Mid(cellText, posText - 1, numberlength + 1)
                i = lenText
            End If
        End If
    Next i
End Function

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