UCK 定制套件运行控制台错误状态 8

UCK 定制套件运行控制台错误状态 8

我想用相同的额外应用程序定制我的 Ubuntu 映像,并且相同的应用程序将被删除,因此我需要运行控制台uck-gui。但此时我因while true;do ... ;done循环而陷入困境。

  function run_console()
    echo "Starting console application..."
    CONSOLE_APP=`which konsole`
    CONSOLE_APP_OPTIONS=(--caption "UCK customization console" -e /bin/bash)
    if [ "$CONSOLE_APP" = "" ]; then
            CONSOLE_APP=`which gnome-terminal`
######## I removed -t option because it is no longer avaible.
        CONSOLE_APP_OPTIONS=(-e /bin/bash)
    if [ "$CONSOLE_APP" = "" ]; then
        CONSOLE_APP=`which xfce4-terminal`
        CONSOLE_APP_OPTIONS=(-T "UCK customization console" -e /bin/bash)
    if [ "$CONSOLE_APP" = "" ]; then
        CONSOLE_APP=`which lxterminal`
        CONSOLE_APP_OPTIONS=(-t "UCK customization console" -e /bin/bash)
    if [ "$CONSOLE_APP" = "" ]; then
        CONSOLE_APP=`which xterm`
        CONSOLE_APP_OPTIONS=(-title "UCK customization console" -e /bin/bash)

    if [ "$CONSOLE_APP" = "" ]; then
        dialog_msgbox "Failure" "Unable to find any console application"
        eval `dbus-launch --sh-syntax --exit-with-session 2>/dev/null`

当我选择它时,RUN_CONSOLE它会运行此功能,但是当我使用 gnome-terminal 或 konsole(在失败后安装)手动执行此操作时,我得到了以下输出:

makgun@makgun02:~$ CONSOLE_APP=`which konsole`
makgun@makgun02:~$ CONSOLE_APP_OPTIONS=(--caption "UCK customization console" -e /bin/bash)
makgun@makgun02:~$ $CONSOLE_APP "${CONSOLE_APP_OPTIONS[@]}"
QDBusConnection: session D-Bus connection created before QCoreApplication. Application may misbehave.
Could not find drkonqi at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libexec/drkonqi
makgun@makgun02:~$ The font for use in the terminal has not been matched exactly. Perhaps it has not been found properly.
The font for use in the terminal has not been matched exactly. Perhaps it has not been found properly.
uint DBusMenuExporterDBus::GetLayout(int, int, const QStringList&, DBusMenuLayoutItem&): Condition failed: menu

并且它打开了一个新的 konsole 屏幕,但是当我运行这个脚本时出现这个错误并且我卡在了 while 循环中。(终端生成的最后一个提示。因此,此命令已退出,但它将立即再次运行。我不明白后台做了什么)错误信息如下:

CHOICE='Run console application'
Starting console application...
Error constructing proxy for org.gnome.Terminal:/org/gnome/Terminal/Factory0: Error calling StartServiceByName for org.gnome.Terminal: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Spawn.ChildExited: Process org.gnome.Terminal exited with status 8
Gtk-Message: GtkDialog mapped without a transient parent. This is discouraged.
/tmp/customization-scripts/customize: line 143: [: Continue: binary operator expected
CHOICE='Continue building'

当我继续操作时,它成功完成了创建。我只是删除了除英语之外的所有语言。它只是将 ISO 的大小减少了约 200MB。 可能存在什么问题?

Gnome-terminal 版本:

makgun@makgun02:~$ gnome-terminal --version
GNOME Terminal 3.16.2


makgun@makgun02:~$ konsole -v
Qt: 5.4.2
KDE Frameworks: 5.15.0
Konsole: 15.08.0
