导入缺少一个未知 vdev_children 的 zpool。

导入缺少一个未知 vdev_children 的 zpool。

我的 raid-z zpool 处于降级模式,我使用以下命令在 zpool 中添加了一个新磁盘:

zpool add -f  uhuru-test da3

问题是 da3 被意外删除,现在系统不再看到 uhuru-test 池。

我在另一篇文章中看到,只需创建一个指向丢失设备的虚假链接即可恢复池,从而解决此问题。->zpool 导入时缺少缓存设备

我想知道是否有办法恢复我的 zpool,而不知道第二个丢失的 vdev_children(磁盘已被​​意外删除)。


[root@freenas] ~# zdb -e uhuru-test   
Configuration for import:
        vdev_children: 2
        version: 5000
        pool_guid: 3890727615681066594
        name: 'uhuru-test'
        state: 0
        hostid: 1059643445
        hostname: ''
            type: 'root'
            id: 0
            guid: 3890727615681066594
                type: 'raidz'
                id: 0
                guid: 5640622817809203054
                nparity: 1
                metaslab_array: 35
                metaslab_shift: 26
                ashift: 12
                asize: 9648734208
                is_log: 0
                create_txg: 4
                    type: 'disk'
                    id: 0
                    guid: 9465627518634333776
                    whole_disk: 1
                    create_txg: 4
                    path: '/dev/gptid/ff8706ce-ba30-11e5-9a01-000c296d1599'
                    type: 'disk'
                    id: 1
                    guid: 10965176705017686540
                    whole_disk: 1
                    create_txg: 4
                    path: '/dev/gptid/ffaf2ac9-ba30-11e5-9a01-000c296d1599'
                    type: 'disk'
                    id: 2
                    guid: 15466704642663781070
                    path: '/dev/gptid/ffd59e29-ba30-11e5-9a01-000c296d1599'
                    whole_disk: 1
                    not_present: 1
                    DTL: 202
                    create_txg: 4
                type: 'missing'
                id: 1
                guid: 0
zdb: can't open 'uhuru-test': File exists

[root@freenas] ~# zpool import

   pool: uhuru-test
     id: 3890727615681066594
  state: UNAVAIL
 status: One or more devices are missing from the system.
 action: The pool cannot be imported. Attach the missing
    devices and try again.
   see: http://illumos.org/msg/ZFS-8000-6X

    uhuru-test                                      UNAVAIL  missing device
      raidz1-0                                      DEGRADED
        gptid/ff8706ce-ba30-11e5-9a01-000c296d1599  ONLINE
        gptid/ffaf2ac9-ba30-11e5-9a01-000c296d1599  ONLINE
        15466704642663781070                        UNAVAIL  cannot open

    Additional devices are known to be part of this pool, though their
    exact configuration cannot be determined.


cannot import 'uhuru-test': one or more devices is currently unavailable
[root@freenas] ~# zpool import -Ff uhuru-test
cannot import 'uhuru-test': one or more devices is currently unavailable
[root@freenas] ~# zpool import -FfN uhuru-test
cannot import 'uhuru-test': one or more devices is currently unavailable
[root@freenas] ~# zpool import -fN uhuru-test

