我一直在考虑开发一个“自助服务终端”,供可能对计算机或如何使用计算机有所了解的家庭用户使用。为了便于讨论,我假设我的“自助服务终端”类似于杂货店中的销售点 (POS) 设备或餐馆开始使用的电子菜单。但是与某些 POS 设备不同,我希望打开设备并立即执行软件,而无需使用传统的操作系统或输入设备(请记住,最终用户可能不懂技术 - 如果出现问题,他们应该能够重新启动设备并重新启动应用程序 - 而无需搜索和启动其他应用程序)。
该系统至少需要具有触摸功能的彩色屏幕、无线互联网功能以及对各种设备(如打印机)的 USB 支持。所以我的问题是实现这一点的最佳方法是什么?我正在考虑:
- 开发自定义操作系统
- 运行 Linux 的裸版本并以某种方式直接启动应用程序。
- 使用嵌入式操作系统,例如 Windows Embedded。
使用 Linux 发行版、MS 嵌入式或 MS 普通操作系统是可行的方法。以下是一些信息:
Porteus kiosk
The mini distro Porteus has a dedicated mod to support kiosk mode. Provides options to customize as need on first boot.
Instant WebKiosk
Boots from USB key and browser only.
Can Bike OS
Puppy based live-CD OS with a web browser and little else.
Turn-key web kiosk designed for public libraries, city government, health clinics, and other institutions in need of public information stations. It is intended for easy installation and administration by users with minimal technical knowledge.
Ubuntu Guest login
Normal Ubuntu installation allows guest access from the login prompt. A perfect solution for kiosks. Login into guest mode with restricted permissions but non-restricted browser. Works from USB too.
Scientific Linux 6 and CentOS 6
Both the distros can be configured into kiosk-mode automatically by running this script.
Webconverger (Unconfigured edition)
Runs from USB, easy management console, highly secure, privacy conscious & fool-proof. No vendor lock-in, malware-free & firewall included. The Unconfigured offering is perfectly usable and free of cost.
A bootable Linux “Live CD” that does not make any changes to the existing operating system on the computer. You can use the browser of your choice. Bundled webapps include a calculator, text editor, timer and more. Settings can be saved to a USB drive.
我会拒绝1. 您无需开发自定义操作系统。