好吧,我接受了 VBA 的挑战。我对你想要什么有点困惑例外存在,所以目前如果出现异常,它将完全跳过该组。如果这不是您想要的行为,请告诉我。您可能是对的,公式存在,并且可能让这个看起来愚蠢地过度设计。希望它能帮助某人!
Sub CalculateList()
Dim startRowCount As Integer: startRowCount = 2 'Row to start on
Dim columnId As Integer: columnId = 1 'Column containing ID
Dim OutputColumn As Integer: OutputColumn = 7 'Column to output into
'------ Begin
Cells(1, OutputColumn).Select 'Selects the output cell, incase there are any successes
Dim rowCount: rowCount = startRowCount 'Sets our start row count for the loop
Dim RowsContainingId() 'Array containing the row ID's matching the current ID of the loop
ReDim RowsContainingId(1)
Dim CompletedIds() 'Array containing the ID's that have already been done
ReDim CompletedIds(1)
Do 'Begin loop
nextNumberStart: 'Label to go back to if we hit an already completed ID
Dim CurrentID As String: CurrentID = Cells(rowCount, columnId).Value 'Get the CurrentID of this loop
If (CurrentID = "") Then 'If we hit a blank, we're done, so...
Exit Do 'Exit the loop
End If
If (IsInArray(CurrentID, CompletedIds)) Then 'Check if this ID has already been handled
rowCount = rowCount + 1 'It has, so select the next row
GoTo nextNumberStart: '...And begin the loop again
End If
GetAllMatchingRowIds CurrentID, RowsContainingId, startRowCount, columnId 'Runs sub lower down to populate the array with all the rows with this ID
If (TestIdMeetsCriteria(RowsContainingId)) Then 'Test these rows to see if it meets your criteria (function below)
ActiveCell.Value = CurrentID 'It's a success, so write this ID in our active cell
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Activate 'And select the cell one row down, ready to write again if needed
End If
CompletedIds(UBound(CompletedIds) - 1) = CurrentID 'Add this ID to our completed list
ReDim Preserve CompletedIds(UBound(CompletedIds) + 1) 'Grow our array one more ready for next completed item
Erase RowsContainingId 'Wipe out our Matching ID array for next loop
ReDim RowsContainingId(1)
rowCount = rowCount + 1
End Sub
Function IsInArray(stringToBeFound As String, arr As Variant) As Boolean
IsInArray = (UBound(Filter(arr, stringToBeFound)) > -1) 'Checks if a string is in the array
End Function
Function TestIdMeetsCriteria(arr As Variant) As Boolean
Dim row
Dim HasException, ValidPlus: HasException = False: ValidPlus = False 'Set our bools to False
For Each row In arr 'Loop through each row containing our ID
If (LCase(Cells(row, 2).Value) = "plus") Then 'Check for "Plus" (case insensitively)
If (LCase(Cells(row, 3).Value) = LCase(Cells(row, 4).Value)) Then 'We got Plus, do we have matching Service and Sales (case insensitive)?
ValidPlus = True 'We do. Set ValidPlus to true for comparison later
End If
ElseIf (LCase(Cells(row, 2).Value) = "exception") Then 'Now check if any rows contains Exception (case insensitive)
HasException = True 'We do. Set HasException to true for later comparison
End If
TestIdMeetsCriteria = Not (HasException) And ValidPlus 'We finished the loop. If HasException is still false, and ValidPlus is now true, it was a success, otherwise a failure
End Function
Sub GetAllMatchingRowIds(idToFind As String, arr As Variant, startRowId As Integer, columnId As Integer)
Dim rowCount: rowCount = startRowId
Do 'Loop through our ID column rows
If (Cells(rowCount, columnId).Value = idToFind) Then 'Check if the ID is the one we're after
arr(UBound(arr) - 1) = rowCount 'It is, add it to our array
ReDim Preserve arr(UBound(arr) + 1) 'Grow our array for next lop
End If
rowCount = rowCount + 1 'Next row
Loop Until IsEmpty(Cells(rowCount, columnId).Value) 'Keep looping until we hit a blank
ReDim Preserve arr(UBound(arr) - 2) 'Remove additional entries in array we don't need
End Sub
如果我理解正确的话,您需要上述列表,但如果 ID 的服务代码不包含加号,则需要排除 ID 代码。此外,如果销售和服务不匹配,则不应包括它们 - 除非服务代码exception
最简单的方法是将 E 列中的 A 列 + B 列连接起来,这样就会得到一行 ID 号和服务代码。
然后,您可以在 E 行中使用 countif 语句来检查 whereID
= true
然后,您可以使用嵌套的 IF 语句来检查匹配、异常和加号。
在 E 中显然是=CONCATENATE(a2,b2)
F 看起来会像这样=if(countif(E:E,CONCATENATE(a2,"PLUS"))>0,"PLUS","")
你需要使用 G 来检查名称 - 因此你需要使用=Concatenate(a2,if(c2=d2,"Match","ERROR")
您需要使用 H 来检查名称是否全部正确或是否存在异常。
=if(and(countif(g:G,concatenate(a2,"ERROR")>0,NOT(countif(e:e,concatenate(a2,"EXCEPTION")>0))),"No match","match")
最后,在 I 中,您可以查找 Plus = Plus 和 name match = Match
这(如果我的公式是正确的- ymmmv!)应该允许您通过“INCLUDE”过滤列表,等等,您的列表ID
这是一个比 VBA 更灵活的解决方案,但是在某种程度上是手动工作流程的混合。
=COUNTIFS(A:A, A2, B:B, "Exception")
然后,您只需过滤表格,其中Serviced by Sales = TRUE
和Has exception = FALSE
。要获取列表,您可以将 ID 复制并粘贴到其他地方,然后运行Data > Remove Duplicates
如果您希望实时生成列表报告,我会遵循 VBA 解决方案。