单词索引不是 100% 按字母顺序排列

单词索引不是 100% 按字母顺序排列

Windows 7、Word 2010 和 2016

我有一个宏,它可以在我的文档中搜索一些文本,找到后就将该文本添加到索引中。我的想法是,我有很多定义(格式:)[word] - means [definition],我想将所有这些定义都放入索引中,这样我就可以有效地在最后得到一本字典。

但是,当它运行并创建索引时,大约 90% 的条目是按字母顺序排列的,但有些条目的位置是随机的。据我所知,它们没有理由排错顺序。(在我的“A”字部分中,有一个单词以“C”或其他非“A”开头)。


myDoc.Indexes.MarkEntry Range:=rng, entry:=editedDefinition, entryautotext:=editedDefinition

myDocWord.Document( myDoc = ActiveDocument)。



编辑:这是主要的宏(您会注意到我调用了一个 UDF,如果您也需要它,请告诉我):

Sub Find_Definitions()
Dim myDoc As Word.Document
Dim oRng As Word.Range, rng As Word.Range
Dim addDefinition$, findText$, editedDefinition$
Set myDoc = ActiveDocument

Call Clear_Index

findText = InputBox("What term would you like to search for?")
If findText = "" Then Exit Sub

'Loop through the document
Set oRng = myDoc.Content

With oRng.Find
    .Text = findText
    .MatchCase = False
    .Wrap = wdFindStop
    While .Execute
        Set rng = oRng.Paragraphs(1).Range

        Dim searchText$
        searchText = "- Non- USA"
        If Left(rng.Text, Len(searchText)) = searchText Then
            Debug.Print ""
        End If

       ' Here's where I could check the text, and see if it starts with Roman numerals.
        editedDefinition = Check_For_Roman_Numerals(rng, findText)

    ' Check to see if we're in the 'Definitions' section
    If rng.Information(wdActiveEndSectionNumber) >= myDoc.Sections.Count - 1 Then
        GoTo TheEnd
    End If

    myDoc.Indexes.MarkEntry Range:=rng, entry:=editedDefinition, entryautotext:=editedDefinition

    Wend 'end .execute
End With 'oRng.find

Set rng = Nothing
MsgBox ("Added all definitions.")

End Sub

编辑:(根据评论)我想我找到了这个问题!在网上搜索后,我发现这个帖子这似乎是我的问题!我做了一个测试,从其中一个无序条目中删除了一个分号,然后它把它放在了正确的位置。现在,我只需要弄清楚如何在添加到索引时考虑 ;。我对 Word VBA 还不熟悉,所以任何想法/提示都会很感激。

编辑2:这是我的 UDF:

Private Function Check_For_Roman_Numerals(ByVal mySelection As Word.Range, searchString As String) As String
Dim romanNumerals() As Variant
Dim firstWord$, paragraphsText As Variant, xWord As Variant
Dim oWord   As Word.Range
Dim i&, x&
romanNumerals = Array("i", "ii", "iii", "iv", "v", "vi", "vii", "viii", "ix", "x", "xi", "xii")
Dim editedSelection
Dim moveStart As Variant
Dim myEditedSelection As Variant
Dim addedOnce As Boolean

'editedSelection = mySelection.Text
x = 0
addedOnce = False
With mySelection
    Debug.Print mySelection.Text
    ' Edit selection to include only the start where it's underlined
    On Error Resume Next

    Do Until mySelection.Characters(x + 1).Font.Underline = wdUnderlineSingle Or mySelection.Characters(x + 1).Font.Underline = wdUnderlineDouble
        If (x + 1) > mySelection.Characters.Count Then Exit Do
        Debug.Print "'" & mySelection.Characters(x + 1) & "' is not underlined"
        x = x + 1

    On Error GoTo 0

    Set myEditedSelection = mySelection.Duplicate    '= mySelection.moveStart(unit:=wdWord, Count:=x)
    With myEditedSelection
        .moveStart unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=x
    End With                 'myEditedSelection
    For i = LBound(romanNumerals) To UBound(romanNumerals)
        If (mySelection.Words(1) = romanNumerals(i)) Or (mySelection.Words(1) = romanNumerals(i) & ".") Then
            Debug.Print "Found roman numeral " & mySelection.Words(1)
            moveStart = trim_Roman_Text(mySelection.Text, searchString, myEditedSelection.moveStart(unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=x) + 1)
            editedSelection = moveStart
            Debug.Print "Adding: """ & editedSelection & """ to Index"
            Exit For
        ElseIf Not addedOnce Then
            moveStart = trim_Text(mySelection.Text, searchString, myEditedSelection.moveStart(unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=x) + 1)
            editedSelection = Trim(moveStart)
            addedOnce = True
        End If

    Next i
End With                     'mySelection

Check_For_Roman_Numerals = editedSelection

End Function

Private Function trim_Text(ByVal myText As String, mySearch As String, startPos As Integer) As String
Dim finalText$
Dim sentenceEndPosition&, meansPos&

meansPos = InStr(1, myText, mySearch)

sentenceEndPosition = InStr(meansPos, myText, ".")
If sentenceEndPosition = 0 Then
    sentenceEndPosition = InStr(meansPos, myText, ";")
End If
If sentenceEndPosition = 0 Then
    sentenceEndPosition = InStr(meansPos, myText, ":")
End If
If sentenceEndPosition = 0 Then
    sentenceEndPosition = InStr(meansPos, myText, Chr(13))
End If
If sentenceEndPosition = 0 Then
    MsgBox ("What is the end of the paragraph?")
End If

finalText = Trim(Mid(myText, startPos, sentenceEndPosition))
trim_Text = finalText
End Function

Private Function trim_Roman_Text(ByVal myText As String, ByVal mySearch As String, startPos As Integer) As String

Dim finalText$
Dim romanNumeralEndPosition&, sentenceEndPosition$, meansPos&
'myText = "i. Australia - means the subcontinent. It is located below Asia, and this is what it looks like. A giant circle with some odd edges."

meansPos = InStr(1, myText, mySearch)

romanNumeralEndPosition = InStr(1, myText, ".")
'Debug.Print romanNumeralEndPosition

sentenceEndPosition = InStr(romanNumeralEndPosition + 1, myText, ".")
If sentenceEndPosition = 0 Then
    sentenceEndPosition = InStr(romanNumeralEndPosition + 1, myText, ";")
End If
If sentenceEndPosition = 0 Then
    sentenceEndPosition = InStr(romanNumeralEndPosition + 1, myText, ":")
End If
If sentenceEndPosition = 0 Then
    sentenceEndPosition = InStr(romanNumeralEndPosition + 1, myText, Chr(13))
End If
'Debug.Print sentenceEndPosition

finalText = Trim(Mid(myText, romanNumeralEndPosition + 1, sentenceEndPosition - romanNumeralEndPosition))
'Debug.Print finalText

trim_Roman_Text = finalText

End Function




我无法快速找到有关逃脱的任何官方文档,但是此 PDF 文件有一个很好的概述。

内置排序 { XE "Alfonso IV" }

覆盖排序 { XE "阿方索四世;阿方索四世" }

索引条目文本中的特殊字符 如果您需要在索引条目文本中包含冒号,请在其前面加上反斜杠来“转义”它(例如“ Luke 9\:21” )。

如果要在索引条目文本中使用符号(例如 @),请在符号后立即输入“;#”(分号后跟数字符号)。

