无法安装 Visual Studio 2013 Update 5 或 Visual Studio 2015

无法安装 Visual Studio 2013 Update 5 或 Visual Studio 2015

我尝试将我的 VS2013 实例更新到 Update 5,但是当单击在线安装程序时,我的 %temp% 设置中没有执行任何操作,而是写入以下日志:

[194C:1964][2016-06-10T15:54:58]i001: Burn v3.7.3424.0, Windows v6.1 (Build 7601: Service Pack 1), path: C:\Users\Pedro\Desktop\VS2013.5.exe, cmdline: ''
[194C:1964][2016-06-10T15:54:58]e000: Error 0x80040111: Failed to load manifest as XML document.
[194C:1964][2016-06-10T15:54:58]e000: Error 0x80040111: Failed to load manifest.
[194C:1964][2016-06-10T15:54:58]e000: Error 0x80040111: Failed to initialize core.

我尝试安装新的 2015 版本,但错误非常相似

[1BD0:09E4][2016-06-10T15:54:55]i000: === Logging started: 2016-06-10T15:54:55+00:00 === 
[1BD0:09E4][2016-06-10T15:54:55]i000: Bootstrapper v14.0.5995.28262, Windows v6.1 (Build 7601: Service Pack 1), command line: "C:\Users\Pedro\Desktop\vs_community_ENU.exe" 
[1BD0:09E4][2016-06-10T15:54:55]e000: Error 0x80040111: Failed to load configuration data into XML document.
[1BD0:09E4][2016-06-10T15:54:55]e000: Error 0x80040111: Failed to read configuration data from process module.
[1BD0:09E4][2016-06-10T15:54:55]e000: Error 0x80040111: Failed to load configuration data from process module.
[1BD0:09E4][2016-06-10T15:54:56]i000: Process exit code: 0x80040111 (-2147221231)

我在 Google 上搜索过,但找不到任何好的解决方案,我已经尝试安装 MSXML 3.0 和 MSXML 4.0 SP3,但问题仍然存在。有什么想法吗?
