无法在 Server 2008 R2 上卸载和安装 IIS 和 Windows 进程激活角色

无法在 Server 2008 R2 上卸载和安装 IIS 和 Windows 进程激活角色

在网上搜索了很多次之后,我以超级用户的身份写了这个问题,问题是,我已经安装了 windows server 2008 r2 并成功安装了 AD 和 IIS。由于某些问题,我尝试删除 iis,但在卸载过程中出现致命错误。

因此尝试手动删除,但之后Windows 进程激活服务进程崩溃。如果我尝试远程控制此功能,则会出现以下错误:

尝试删除Windows 进程激活服务

Windows Process Activation Service: Removal failed
Error: a.  Fatal error during installation
Error: Attempt to un-install .NET Environment failed with error code 0x80070643.  Fatal error during installation
Error: Attempt to un-install Process Model failed with error code 0x80070643.  Fatal error during installation
The following features were not removed:
Process Model
.NET Environment
Configuration APIs

IIS 7.5 安装失败

Web Server (IIS): Installation failed
Error: Attempt to install IIS Management Console failed with error code  0x80070643.  Fatal error during installation
Error: Attempt to install Request Monitor failed with error code 0x80070643.  Fatal error during installation
Error: Attempt to install Static Content Compression failed with error code 0x80070643.  Fatal error during installation
Error: Attempt to install Request Filtering failed with error code 0x80070643.  Fatal error during installation
Error: Attempt to install HTTP Logging failed with error code 0x80070643.  Fatal error during installation
Error: Attempt to install HTTP Errors failed with error code 0x80070643.  Fatal error during installation
Error: Attempt to install Static Content failed with error code 0x80070643.  Fatal error during installation
Error: Attempt to install Default Document failed with error code 0x80070643.  Fatal error during installation
Error: Attempt to install Directory Browsing failed with error code 0x80070643.  Fatal error during installation
The following role services were not installed:
Web Server
  Common HTTP Features
     Static Content
     Default Document
     Directory Browsing
     HTTP Errors
  Health and Diagnostics
     HTTP Logging
     Request Monitor
     Request Filtering
     Static Content Compression
  IIS Management Console

也无法在服务器上安装 IIS 角色,有没有强制安装远程角色/功能的方法?


当 SMConfigInstaller 尝试更新配置文件时,似乎存在问题%systemroot%\System32\inetsrv\config\schema,因为未找到某些内容0x80070002

Process output: [l:323 [323]"SMConfigInstaller[Error]: CApplicationHostConfigInstaller::GetParentElement m_spAppHostAdminManager->GetAdminSection failed. cbstrSectionName=system.applicationHost/listenerAdapters m_cbstrConfigCommitPath=MACHINE/WEBROOT/APPHOST Error code: 0x80070002SMConfigInstaller[Error]: Installation failed with error: 0x80070002

但是我没有使用 IIS,所以我不知道这里使用了哪些配置文件。尝试将其与运行它的干净系统进行比较。
