获取分卷 7zip 档案中的文件列表

获取分卷 7zip 档案中的文件列表

我使用以下命令在 Windows 10 下创建一个多部分(每个 1G)的 7zip 存档(基本上是我的文档区域的完整备份):

7z a -r -v1g -bb -y \path\to\zips\xyzzy.7z .

这成功地为我创建了大约 38 个 1G 文件。但是,我想在之后获取存档中所有文件的列表,但我不知道该怎么做。命令:

7z l xyzzy.7z.001


7-Zip [64] 16.02 : Copyright (c) 1999-2016 Igor Pavlov : 2016-05-21

Scanning the drive for archives:
1 file, 1073741824 bytes (1024 MiB)

Listing archive: \somewhere\xyzzy.7z.001

Path = \somewhere\xyzzy.7z.001
Type = Split
Physical Size = 1073741824
Volumes = 1
Total Physical Size = 1073741824

   Date      Time    Attr         Size   Compressed  Name
------------------- ----- ------------ ------------  ------------------------
                    .....   1073741824   1073741824  xyzzy.7z
------------------- ----- ------------ ------------  ------------------------
                            1073741824   1073741824  1 files
Path = xyzzy.7z
Open ERROR: Can not open the file as [7z] archive

Errors: 1


我也尝试过使用 ,-tsplit它消除了错误,但只是显示内容为 ,而xyzzy.7z无需深入研究该文件以查看其内容。换句话说,输出与上面的输出相同,但最后一行是以 结尾的1 files



请尝试使用 7-zip 文件路径上的驱动器号。例如:

7z l C:\somewhere\xyzzy.7z.001


E:\temp>7za l \temp\archive.7z.001

7-Zip (a) [32] 16.02 : Copyright (c) 1999-2016 Igor Pavlov : 2016-05-21

Scanning the drive for archives:
1 file, 1048576 bytes (1024 KiB)

Listing archive: \temp\archive.7z.001

Path = \temp\archive.7z.001
Type = Split
Physical Size = 1048576
Volumes = 1
Total Physical Size = 1048576

   Date      Time    Attr         Size   Compressed  Name
------------------- ----- ------------ ------------  ------------------------
                    .....      1048576      1048576  archive.7z
------------------- ----- ------------ ------------  ------------------------
                               1048576      1048576  1 files
Path = archive.7z
Open ERROR: Can not open the file as [7z] archive

Errors: 1

E:\temp>7za l E:\temp\archive.7z.001

7-Zip (a) [32] 16.02 : Copyright (c) 1999-2016 Igor Pavlov : 2016-05-21

Scanning the drive for archives:
1 file, 1048576 bytes (1024 KiB)

Listing archive: E:\temp\archive.7z.001

Path = E:\temp\archive.7z.001
Type = Split
Physical Size = 1048576
Volumes = 6
Total Physical Size = 5533143
Path = archive.7z
Size = 5533143
Path = archive.7z
Type = 7z
Physical Size = 5533143
Headers Size = 170
Method = LZMA2:6m
Solid = -
Blocks = 1

   Date      Time    Attr         Size   Compressed  Name
------------------- ----- ------------ ------------  ------------------------
2013-03-13 09:23:44 ....A      6010800      5532973  gotingeno-davideosendacommon.pdf
------------------- ----- ------------ ------------  ------------------------
2013-03-13 09:23:44            6010800      5532973  1 files

------------------- ----- ------------ ------------  ------------------------
2013-03-13 09:23:44            6010800      5532973  1 files

Archives: 1
Volumes: 6
Total archives size: 5533143

E:\temp>7za l archive.7z.001

7-Zip (a) [32] 16.02 : Copyright (c) 1999-2016 Igor Pavlov : 2016-05-21

Scanning the drive for archives:
1 file, 1048576 bytes (1024 KiB)

Listing archive: archive.7z.001

Path = archive.7z.001
Type = Split
Physical Size = 1048576
Volumes = 6
Total Physical Size = 5533143
Path = archive.7z
Size = 5533143
Path = archive.7z
Type = 7z
Physical Size = 5533143
Headers Size = 170
Method = LZMA2:6m
Solid = -
Blocks = 1

   Date      Time    Attr         Size   Compressed  Name
------------------- ----- ------------ ------------  ------------------------
2013-03-13 09:23:44 ....A      6010800      5532973  gotingeno-davideosendacommon.pdf
------------------- ----- ------------ ------------  ------------------------
2013-03-13 09:23:44            6010800      5532973  1 files

------------------- ----- ------------ ------------  ------------------------
2013-03-13 09:23:44            6010800      5532973  1 files

Archives: 1
Volumes: 6
Total archives size: 5533143
