更新 Solaris 11.3 时出现“没有‘可选’依赖项的版本...”

更新 Solaris 11.3 时出现“没有‘可选’依赖项的版本...”

我在更新 Solaris 11.3 时遇到了麻烦。以下问题出现在 DL360 G5 硬件(双 Xeon)和 VM 客户机(Core i7)上。Solaris 安装使用 Sun 的映像,除了以下操作外,我没有执行任何自定义操作:为 Sun Studio 启用软件存储库

我发现在 Oracle Solaris 11.3 中添加和更新软件,但我必须承认,我太缺乏经验,无法用它解决未列出的问题。搜索某些错误消息不会产生任何有用的结果。


$ sudo pkg update
Creating Plan (Running solver): /
pkg update: No solution was found to satisfy constraints
No solution found to update to latest available versions.
This may indicate an overly constrained set of packages are installed.

latest incorporations:

  pkg://solaris/consolidation/sunpro/[email protected],5.11-

The following indicates why the system cannot update to the latest version:

    Reject:  pkg://solaris/library/[email protected]
    Reason:  No version for 'optional' dependency on consolidation/desktop/[email protected],5.11- can be found
    Reject:  pkg://solaris/library/[email protected]
    Reason:  No version for 'optional' dependency on consolidation/desktop/[email protected],5.11- can be found
    Reject:  pkg://solaris/library/python/[email protected]
    Reason:  No version for 'optional' dependency on consolidation/desktop/[email protected],5.11- can be found
    Reject:  pkg://solaris/library/[email protected]
    Reason:  No version for 'optional' dependency on consolidation/desktop/[email protected],5.11- can be found
    Reject:  pkg://solaris/library/python/[email protected]
    Reason:  No version for 'optional' dependency on consolidation/desktop/[email protected],5.11- can be found
    Reject:  pkg://solaris/library/python/[email protected]
    Reason:  No version matching 'conditional' dependency library/python/[email protected],5.12- can be installed
    Reject:  pkg://solaris/file/[email protected]
    Reason:  No version for 'optional' dependency on consolidation/desktop/[email protected],5.11- can be found
    Reject:  pkg://solaris/file/[email protected]
    Reason:  No version for 'optional' dependency on consolidation/desktop/[email protected],5.11- can be found
    Reject:  pkg://solaris/library/[email protected]
    Reason:  No version for 'optional' dependency on consolidation/desktop/[email protected],5.11- can be found
    Reject:  pkg://solaris/library/python/[email protected]
    Reason:  No version matching 'conditional' dependency library/python/[email protected],5.12- can be installed
    Reject:  pkg://solaris/library/python/[email protected]
    Reason:  No version for 'optional' dependency on consolidation/desktop/[email protected],5.11- can be found
    Reject:  pkg://solaris/library/python/[email protected]
    Reason:  No version for 'optional' dependency on consolidation/desktop/[email protected],5.11- can be found
    Reject:  pkg://solaris/library/python/[email protected]
    Reason:  No version for 'optional' dependency on consolidation/desktop/[email protected],5.11- can be found
    Reason:  No version matching 'require' dependency library/python/[email protected],5.12- can be installed
      Reject:  pkg://solaris/library/python/[email protected]
      Reason:  No version for 'optional' dependency on consolidation/desktop/[email protected],5.11- can be found
    Reject:  pkg://solaris/library/python/[email protected]
    Reason:  [already rejected; see above]
    Reject:  pkg://solaris/library/python/[email protected]
    Reason:  No version for 'optional' dependency on consolidation/desktop/[email protected],5.11- can be found
    Reason:  No version matching 'conditional' dependency library/python/[email protected],5.12- can be installed
      Reject:  pkg://solaris/library/python/[email protected]
      Reason:  No version for 'optional' dependency on consolidation/desktop/[email protected],5.11- can be found
    Reject:  pkg://solaris/library/python/[email protected]
    Reason:  [already rejected; see above]
    Reject:  pkg://solaris/library/python/[email protected]
    Reason:  No version for 'optional' dependency on consolidation/desktop/[email protected],5.11- can be found
    Reject:  pkg://solaris/library/python/[email protected]
    Reason:  No version for 'optional' dependency on consolidation/desktop/[email protected],5.11- can be found


看起来像是 Oracle 文档安装 Sun Studio错过了一步。


pkg change-facet facet.version-lock.consolidation/sunpro/sunpro-incorporation=false


$ sudo ~/do-update.sh 
            Packages to update:   7
       Create boot environment:  No
Create backup boot environment: Yes

DOWNLOAD                                PKGS         FILES    XFER (MB)   SPEED
Completed                                7/7         69/69      3.8/3.8  1.5M/s

PHASE                                          ITEMS
Removing old actions                           29/29
Installing new actions                         39/39
Updating modified actions                      52/52
Updating package state database                 Done 
Updating package cache                           7/7 
Updating image state                            Done 
Creating fast lookup database                   Done 
Updating package cache                           2/2 

NOTE: Please review release notes posted at:


编辑:据报道,该解决方案适用于基于 SPARC 的 Solaris 11.3 以及英特尔硬件。另请参阅在 SPARC 硬件上更新 Solaris 11.3 时出现“没有‘可选’依赖项的版本...”


我必须运行 sudo pkg update --accept,所有操作都通过该 accept 标志完成。在 MacOS 上的 Parallels VM 环境中运行 Solaris 11.3。

