Windows 命令“netsh int ip set dns”需要哪些参数?

Windows 命令“netsh int ip set dns”需要哪些参数?

本文调用 CMD 命令来修复 DNS 查找问题。除最后两个命令外,所有命令均成功:

netsh int ip set dns
netsh winsock reset

当我尝试第一个命令时,CMD 要求输入参数。我无法理解 CMD 的正确语法提示,所以我谷歌了一下。找到的最好的答案是其中包括如下冗长的命令:

netsh interface ip set dns name="Local Area Connection" source=static addr=none

netsh interface ip add dns name="Local Area Connection" addr= index=1
netsh interface ip add dns name="Local Area Connection" addr= index=2

netsh interface ip set dns name="Local Area Connection" source=dhcp

我不知道这些参数是否是为解决我的问题而设计的,所以我不敢运行它们。Microsoft 文档未提及我需要的命令(只有 netsh IPsec,没有 netsh IP)



Windows 命令“netsh int ip set dns”需要哪些参数?

您可以使用netsh int ipv4 set dns help命令行语法来获取帮助在您尝试运行的命令上,并解释要传递给它的适用参数。

在您的特定实例中,您可以传递name要在其上设置 DNS 的接口名称的参数及其值,以及addr将用于 DNS 的 DNS 服务器的 IP 地址的参数及其值。

C:\Users\User>netsh int ipv4 set dns help

Usage: set dnsservers [name=]<string> [source=]dhcp|static
             [[address=]<IP address>|none]


  Tag            Value
  name         - The name or index of the interface.
  source       - One of the following values:
                 dhcp: Sets DHCP as the source for configuring DNS
                       servers for the specific interface.
                 static: Sets the source for configuring DNS servers
                         to local static configuration.
  address      - One of the following values:
                 <IP address>: An IP address for a DNS server.
                 none: Clears the list of DNS servers.
  register     - One of the following values:
                 none: Disables Dynamic DNS registration.
                 primary: Register under the primary DNS suffix only.
                 both: Register under both the primary DNS suffix, as
                       well as under the connection-specific suffix.
  validate     - Specifies whether validation of the DNS server setting
                 will be performed. The value is yes by default.

Remarks: Sets DNS server configuration to either DHCP or static mode. Only
         when source is 'static', is the 'addr' option also available for
         configuring a static list of DNS server IP addresses for the
         specified interface. If Validate switch is yes, then
         the newly set DNS server is validated.


   set dnsservers name="Wired Ethernet Connection" source=dhcp
   set dnsservers "Wired Ethernet Connection" static primary


为了跟进 JUICED_IT 的回答,网络名称可能是“以太网”,而不是“本地连接”。要找出名称,您可以执行以下操作:

netsh interface show interface


管理状态 状态类型 接口名称
已启用 已连接 专用        以太网

现在您可以更改主 DNS(索引 = 1),假设您的接口是静态的(不使用 dhcp):

netsh interface ipv4 add dnsserver "Ethernet" address=192.168.x.x index=1

netsh winsock reset,正如命令所述,将 winsock 目录重置为干净的状态。

c:\>netsh winsock reset /?

  Resets Winsock Catalog to a clean state.
  All Winsock Layered Service Providers which were previously 
  installed must be reinstalled.
  This command does not affect Winsock Name Space Provider entries.
