这个答案类似于之前使用记事本滚动的帖子:AutoHotkey - 滚动两个 PDF 文档。如果您将文档填满窗口并连续滚动,它就可以工作。但是当您同时在显示两个 pdf 文件时,它会跳过页面(因此它会跳过 1、3、5 页)。它同步跳过,但仍然跳过。我希望能够看到两个页面的全页并一次滚动一页。
#SingleInstance Force
Process, Priority, , High
SetWinDelay 0
; Replace "ThisClass" with the ahk_class of your PDF Viewer
GroupAdd, PDF_Group, ahk_class ThisClass
return ; end of auto-execute section
#IfWinActive, ahk_group PDF_Group
; If the target window does not receive the keystrokes reliably,
; try increasing the press duration via the second parameter of SetKeyDelay
; as in these examples:
; SetKeyDelay, 10, 10
; SetKeyDelay, 0, 10
; SetKeyDelay, -1, 0
Send {PgDn}
GroupActivate PDF_Group ; activate the next window of this group
Send {PgDn}
Esc:: ExitApp