

今天早上我上了一堂关于网络(集线器、交换机等)的课,老师告诉我,更新交换机固件的协议是 tftp,是安全的

看到“安全注意事项“维基百科上关于 tftp 协议的子类别(无加密等)

我的问题很简单:更新交换机固件最常用的协议是什么?(tftp 是唯一的选择?)


TFTP 是为内部使用而设计的,不适用于通过互联网使用。真正的危险是通过防火墙打开 TFTP。因此,如果您不打开防火墙,它是安全的。


如果您想要一个真正的安全协议,您可以使用 SFTP。SFTP 实际上基于 SSH(安全 Shell)协议,该协议最出名的是用于提供对远程服务器或设备上的 Shell 帐户的安全访问。一些制造商在其交换机中支持此协议(请参阅 HP procurve 交换机作为示例)。

或者,可以将一些交换机配置为使用 https 和 GUI,您可以使用它们来更新其固件。




固件升级总是(99.99%的时间)在非恶劣环境中执行(或至少在防火墙和/或 NAT 设备后面),因此即使协议本身缺乏安全功能,TFTP 固件升级安全性也非常好。

RFC 7440- TFTP Windowsize 选项

Security Considerations

TFTP includes no login or access control mechanisms.  Care must be
taken when using TFTP for file transfers where authentication, access
control, confidentiality, or integrity checking are needed.  Note
that those security services could be supplied above or below the
layer at which TFTP runs.  Care must also be taken in the rights
granted to a TFTP server process so as not to violate the security of
the server's file system.  TFTP is often installed with controls such
that only files that have public read access are available via TFTP.
Also listing, deleting, renaming, and writing files via TFTP are
typically disallowed.  TFTP file transfers are NOT RECOMMENDED where
the inherent protocol limitations could raise insurmountable
liability concerns.

TFTP includes no protection against an on-path attacker; care must be
taken in controlling windowsize values according to data sender, data
receiver, and network environment capabilities.  TFTP service is
frequently associated with bootstrap and initial provisioning
activities; servers in such an environment are in a position to
impose device or network specific throughput limitations as


TFTP 的使用非常经典,因为它是一种非常简单、易于实现的协议,而且占用的内存非常小。

TFTP 也是远程控制网络启动,NIC 使用它来检索 NBP 和早期启动组件,
