if 语句相互“泄漏” 批次

if 语句相互“泄漏” 批次

好的,我正在为学校批量创建一个数学游戏(因为我认为这样会更容易)我在使用 if 语句时遇到了一个奇怪的问题。所以,基本上当我在命令行中输入 2 时,它会转到 if 语句中间的一行,而这个 if 语句位于另一个 if 语句中,它甚至不应该进入这个行。

@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion

@echo start game(1) or join game(2) note:game must be started for P2 to join
set /p YN=

IF %YN%==1 (
@echo creating files...
if not exist quizFiles (
    md "quizFiles"
@echo P1> quizFiles/gameState.txt
@echo 48> quizFiles/cards.txt
@echo.0> quizFiles/P1Score.txt
@echo.0> quizFiles/P2Score.txt
@echo false> quizFiles/P2Joined.txt
set /a gameMode=%RANDOM% %%4
@echo.!gameMode!> quizFiles/gameMode.txt
IF "!gameMode!"=="0" (
    set gameMode=LCM
) ELSE IF "!gameMode!"=="1" (
set gameMode=GCF
) ELSE IF "!gameMode!"=="2" (
    set gameMode=Muliplication of fractions
) ELSE IF "!gameMode!"=="3" (
    set gameMode=Division of fractions
timeout /t 1 /nobreak > NUL
@echo waiting for other player to join...
set dot="2"
set /p P2Joined=<quizFiles/P2Joined.txt
IF NOT "!P2Joined!"=="true" (
    timeout /t 2 /nobreak > NUL
    @echo waiting...
    GOTO WP2
@echo joined
    set /p cardsRemaining=<quizFiles/cards.txt
    @echo cards left: !cardsRemaining!
    set /p P1Score=<quizFiles/P1Score.txt
    @echo P1 has: !P1Score! cards
    set /p P2Score=<quizFiles/P2Score.txt
    @echo P2 has: !P2Score! cards
    set /p currentPlayer=<quizFiles/gameState.txt
    @echo It is now !currentPlayer!'s turn
    @echo 4 cards chosen
    set /p gameMode=<quizFiles/gameMode.txt
    IF "!gameMode!"=="0" (
        set /a card1=%RANDOM% %%96
        set /a card2=%RANDOM% %%96
        set /a card3=%RANDOM% %%96
        set /a card4=%RANDOM% %%96
    @echo card1: !card1!
    @echo card2: !card2!
    @echo card3: !card3!
    @echo card4: !card4!
    IF "!gameMode!"=="0" (
        @echo choose your first card(1-4)
        set /p chosenCard1=
        @echo choose your second card(1-4)
        set /p chosenCard2= <<<< leaks here
        @echo what is the LCM of these two cards
        set /p userAnswer=
) ELSE IF %YN%==2 (
    @echo joining game...
    @echo true> quizFiles/P2Joined.txt
    timeout /t 1 /nobreak > NUL
    @echo joined



(1)如果用户只是ENTER在响应时点击set /p YN=?,请使用双引号,如下所示IF "%YN%"=="1" (,或考虑切换到CHOICE命令它允许从键盘捕获单个按键动作。


(3 -重要的echo choose your second card(1-4))在带括号的代码块中使用右括号会将其关闭。将其转义为echo … card(1-4^)或使用其他形式的括号,例如方括号echo … card [1-4]

(4 -最重要的绝不在括号内的命令块内使用:labelnor 。:: label-like comment()创建和调用子程序相反,你可以goto在这样的程序主体中随意发挥。

(5)%RANDOM%在括号中的命令块中()计算结果为相同的数字。因此,以下代码片段中的所有、 和card1都是card2相同的:card3card4

IF "!gameMode!"=="0" (
    set /a card1=%RANDOM% %%96
    set /a card2=%RANDOM% %%96
    set /a card3=%RANDOM% %%96
    set /a card4=%RANDOM% %%96

此外,即使使用!RANDOM!代替 也%RANDOM%无法保证不同的值。比较:dragNthCard下面的过程。

有用的 Dbenham 的评论启发了我玩一下你的代码。这是一份原始草稿(在某种意义上可以工作,但不能完全满足你的目标)。已实施LCMGCF作为发起者的一轮测验P1并加入P2:同样的任务,不同的卡组。

SETLOCAL EnableExtensions EnableDelayedExpansion

@echo note:game must be started for P2 to join
CHOICE /C 12Q /M "start game (1) or join game (2) or quit game (Q)"
set "YN=%errorlevel%"
IF errorlevel 3 goto :eof
IF errorlevel 2 (
    @echo joining game...
    @echo true> quizFiles/P2Joined.txt
    timeout /t 1 /nobreak > NUL
    @echo joined
) ELSE (
    @echo creating files...
    if not exist quizFiles md "quizFiles"
    @echo P1> quizFiles/gameState.txt
    @echo 48> quizFiles/cards.txt
    @echo.0> quizFiles/P1Score.txt
    @echo.0> quizFiles/P2Score.txt
    @echo false> quizFiles/P2Joined.txt
    set /a gameMode=%RANDOM% %%4
    echo gameMode !gameMode!
    @echo.!gameMode!> quizFiles/gameMode.txt
    timeout /t 1 /nobreak > NUL
    @echo waiting for other player to join...
    call :waitToJoin
rem commont part for both initiator P1 and joined P2

call :dragCards
REM currently implemented only one round game 
REM set /p cardsRemaining=<quizFiles/cards.txt
REM @echo cards left: !cardsRemaining!
REM set /p P1Score=<quizFiles/P1Score.txt
REM @echo P1 has: !P1Score! cards
REM set /p P2Score=<quizFiles/P2Score.txt
REM @echo P2 has: !P2Score! cards
REM set /p currentPlayer=<quizFiles/gameState.txt
REM @echo It is now !currentPlayer!'s turn
@echo 4 cards chosen
set /p gameMode=<quizFiles/gameMode.txt
IF "!gameMode!"=="0" (
    set gameModeText=LCM
) ELSE IF "!gameMode!"=="1" (
set gameModeText=GCF
) ELSE IF "!gameMode!"=="2" (
    set gameModeText=Multiplication of fractions
) ELSE IF "!gameMode!"=="3" (
    set gameModeText=Division of fractions
echo gameMode !gameMode! !gameModeText!
set "rightAnswer=nonsens"
IF "!gameMode!"=="0" (
    call :Choose2Cards
    call :%gameModeText% !chosenCard1! !chosenCard2!
IF "!gameMode!"=="1" (
    call :Choose2Cards
    call :%gameModeText% !chosenCard1! !chosenCard2!
IF "!gameMode!"=="3" call :Choose2Cards & rem not implemented yet
IF "!gameMode!"=="4" call :Choose2Cards & rem not implemented yet
IF "%rightAnswer%"=="nonsens" (
    echo not implemented yet: %gameModeText%
) else (
    If "%userAnswer%"=="%rightAnswer%" (
      echo %userAnswer% is right 
    ) ELSE (
      echo %userAnswer% is wrong; right answer = %rightAnswer%


:::  Your script continues here: save score, loop next round etc.

goto :eof

rem Least common multiple usage: call :lcm <input1> <input2>
rem by https://rosettacode.org/wiki/Least_common_multiple#Batch_File
set "_aux1=%1"
set "_aux2=%2"
if %2 equ 0 (
    set /a rightAnswer = %_aux1%*%_aux2%/%1
    rem echo rightAnswer = !rightAnswer!
    goto :EOF
set /a res = %1 %% %2
call :lcmSub %2 %res%
goto :eof

rem Greatest common factor / divisor
rem by https://rosettacode.org/wiki/Greatest_common_divisor#Batch_File
if %2 equ 0 (
    set rightAnswer=%1
    rem echo rightAnswer = !rightAnswer!
    goto :eof
set /a res = %1 %% %2
call :gcf %2 %res%
goto :eof

goto :eof
goto :eof

  set dot="2"
  set /p P2Joined=<quizFiles/P2Joined.txt
  IF NOT "!P2Joined!"=="true" (
      timeout /t 2 /nobreak > NUL
      @echo waiting...
      GOTO WP2
  @echo joined
goto :eof

  for /L %%N in (1,1,4) do (
      call :dragNthCard %%N 
      echo card%%N: !card%%~N!
goto :eof 

    CHOICE /C 1234 /M "choose your first  card "
    set "chosenCard1=!card%errorlevel%!"
    CHOICE /C 1234 /M "choose your second card "
    set "chosenCard2=!card%errorlevel%!"
    If %chosenCard1% EQU %chosenCard2% goto :Choose2CardsDifferent
    echo what is the %gameModeText% of these two cards: %chosenCard1% and %chosenCard2%
    set /p "userAnswer=%gameModeText%( %chosenCard1%, %chosenCard2%) = "
goto :eof 

  set "_cardNo=%~1"
  set /A _cardMax=%_cardNo% - 1
  set /a card%_cardNo%=%RANDOM% %%96
  for /L %%G in (1,1,%_cardMax%) do (
    if !card%_cardNo%! EQU !card%%G! (
      timeout /t 1 /nobreak > NUL
      goto :dragNthAgain
  rem echo CARD%_cardNo%: !card%_cardNo%!
goto :eof 
