GNUmakefile:835: recipe for target 'install' failed
make: *** [install] Error 1
It is strongly recommended to not run Privoxy as root.
You should configure/install/run Privoxy as an unprivileged user...
Then, to build from either unpacked tarball or CVS source:
apt build-dep privoxy
./configure # (--help to see options)
make # (the make from GNU, sometimes called gmake)
su # Possibly required
make -n install # (to see where all the files will go)
make -s install # (to really install, -s to silence output)
我刚刚浏览了你的会话文本。您首先尝试make -s install
以普通用户身份运行,但出现权限错误。然后,您以 root 身份执行此操作,并被安装程序告知您是 root 身份。
Unix(包括 Gnu/Linux)上的安全性不是二进制的(root/not-root):您可以向其他用户授予对目录的访问权限。
- 创建管理员组 (
sudo addgroup admin && sudo adduser «your-user-name» admin
) /usr/local
更改( )的组所有权sudo chgrp -R admin /usr/local; sudo chmod -R g+rwx /usr/local
。- 以管理员身份进行安装 (
sudo --group admin make install