Dim rng As Range, cell As Range
Set rng = Selection
For Each cell In rng
Next cell
If Not cell.HasFormula Then
End If
cell.Value = WorksheetFunction.Proper(cell.Value)
For Each cell In rng
Next cell
If Not cell.HasFormula Then
End If
For Each cell In rng
If Not cell.HasFormula Then
cell.Value = WorksheetFunction.Proper(cell.Value)
End If
Next cell
Option Explicit ' always use Option Explicit
' Option Explicit can be set by default for all new Modules
' Tools > Options > Require Variable Declaration > OK
Sub sbWorksheetFunctionProper() ' A declaration of a Subroutine is required
Dim rngMyRange As Range ' declare each variable on a separate line to avoid ambiguity
Dim rngCell As Range ' use a meaningful Naming Convention as in "rngCell" rather than "cell"
Set rngMyRange = Selection ' Selection here refers to the ActiveWorksheet, this can be in another workbook
For Each rngCell In rngMyRange ' this is a For Each... Next loop
' For Each makes the loop pick Each Item in a Collection
' the Item in this case is a Cell
' the Collection in this case is a Range
' a Range in Excel is a Collection of Cells
If rngCell.HasFormula Then ' better to use a positive condition rather than a contrived negative
' do nothing if the Cell has a Formula in it
' do nothing if the Cell has a Formula in it
Else ' Else donotes the start of code executed on the negative of the If condition
' in this case this is what this Subroutine does
' in this case this is what this Subroutine does
rngCell.Value = WorksheetFunction.Proper(rngCell.Value)
' this statement calls an Excel Worksheet Function
' in this case the function is Proper() - written as =PROPER() in a Worksheet
' the text "microsoft visual basic for applications"
' would be converted to "Microsoft Visual Basic For Applications" with all words Capitalised
End If ' End If denotes the end of code executed as a result of the If condition
Next rngCell ' Next denotes where the For Each condition is re-evaluated to move to the next Item
End Sub ' End Sub denotes the end of code for this Subroutine