我的 win7 USB 驱动程序有问题,无法再安装新的 USB 磁盘。我的 windows 目录中没有任何 infcache.1 文件,检查 setupapi.dev.log 后,我发现每次尝试识别 USB 时都会触发此错误消息:
>>> [Device Install (Hardware initiated) - USB\VID_0000&PID_0000\5&1dd99672&0&1]
>>> Section start 2017/01/31 18:12:47.896
ump: Creating Install Process: DrvInst.exe 18:12:47.904
ndv: Retrieving device info...
ndv: Setting device parameters...
ndv: Searching just Driver Store...
dvi: {Build Driver List} 18:12:48.074
dvi: Searching for hardware ID(s):
dvi: usb\unknown
dvi: Searching for compatible ID(s):
dvi: usb\unknown
cpy: Policy is set to make all digital signatures equal.
dvi: Enumerating INFs from path list 'C:\windows\INF'
! inf: Detected INFCACHE inconsistency
! inf: Attempting INFCACHE repair 18:14:48.141
!!! inf: Unable to fix INFCACHE - likely system corruption!
!!! inf: Error 32: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.
ump: Server install process exited with code 0x000005b4 18:17:48.077
<<< Section end 2017/01/31 18:17:48.079
<<< [Exit status: FAILURE(0x000005b4)]
也许你会感兴趣知道当我跑步的时候实用程序-e在 cmd 中我得到了同样的错误:“该进程无法访问该文件,因为它正在被另一个进程使用”
您需要删除INFCACHE.**1 文件来自 **C:\Windows\System32\Driver Store。该文件已损坏且与 Windows\Inf 中的数据不一致。
您需要更改权限才能删除它。点击它,特性,安全标签, 编辑和添加. 添加群组管理员。现在您可以删除它了。
重新启动 Windows。当您连接新设备时,将重新创建 infcache。确保不要连接产生问题的设备。通过连接其他设备创建 infcache,然后您也可以使用有问题的设备。