iTerm2 fish shell 加载时出错:`function: 非法函数名称 '-v'`

iTerm2 fish shell 加载时出错:`function: 非法函数名称 '-v'`

在 iTerm2 加载时:

Last login: ... on ...
function: Illegal function name '-v'
~/ (line 86):   function -v _ underscore_change
    if [ x$_ = xfish ]
from sourcing file ~/
    called on line 38 of file ~/.config/fish/

from sourcing file ~/.config/fish/
    called during startup

Welcome to fish, the friendly interactive shell
Type help for instructions on how to use fish
⋊> ~ 


test -e {$HOME}/ ; and source {$HOME}/


⋊> ~ fish -v
fish, version 2.5.0



  • 进入 iTerm2 > Install Shell Integration 下的应用程序菜单。
  • 浏览实用程序问题对话框。
  • 通过对话框来运行该命令。
⋊> ~ curl -L | bash
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100  2694  100  2694    0     0  16995      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 16943
Make sure you have fish 2.2 or later. Your version is:
fish, version 2.5.0
Downloading script from and saving it to /Users/jsmall/
Checking if /Users/jsmall/.config/fish/ contains iterm2_shell_integration...
Downloading imgcat...
Downloading it2dl...
Adding aliases...

The next time you log in, shell integration will be enabled.

You will also have these commands:
imgcat filename
  Displays the image inline.
it2dl filename
  Downloads the specified file, saving it in your Downloads folder.
⋊> ~
  • 重新加载 iTerm2


仅有轻微关联,但不必要的链接:GitHubGist - victor-torres/
