Windows 10 DISM 无法找到带有 WIM 文件的源

Windows 10 DISM 无法找到带有 WIM 文件的源

我有一台 Windows 10 笔记本电脑,每当我打开开始菜单或 Edge 时,窗口就会开始闪烁,就像另一个窗口正在请求焦点一样,然后它会重新获得焦点,我无法输入,因为它失去并重新获得焦点。我尝试执行 SFC,但没有发现任何完整性违规。我尝试通过使用从 TechNet 下载的 Windows iso 安装执行以下命令来执行 dism 还原,所以我知道 install.wim 文件在那里。

dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth /source:WIM:G:\sources\install.wim:1

我也尝试了几种不同的迭代,包括从源中删除 WIM、删除 :1、在末尾添加 /limitaccess,但无论如何我都会收到相同的错误消息(百分比似乎随机停止):

Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool
Version: 10.0.15063.0

Image Version: 10.0.15063.0

[===========================96.0%=======================   ]
Error: 0x800f081f

The source files could not be found.
Use the "Source" option to specify the location of the files that are required to restore the feature. For more information on specifying a source location, see

The DISM log file can be found at C:\WINDOWS\Logs\DISM\dism.log


2017-07-12 16:41:00, Error                 DISM   DISM Package Manager: PID=6092 TID=8284 Failed finalizing changes. - CDISMPackageManager::Internal_Finalize(hr:0x800f081f)
2017-07-12 16:41:00, Error                 DISM   DISM Package Manager: PID=6092 TID=8284 The source files could not be found; their location must be specified using the /source option to restore the feature. - GetCbsErrorMsg
2017-07-12 16:41:00, Error                 DISM   DISM Package Manager: PID=6092 TID=8284 Failed processing package changes with session option CbsSessionOptionRepairStoreCorruption - CDISMPackageManager::RestoreHealth(hr:0x800f081f)
2017-07-12 16:41:00, Error                 DISM   DISM Package Manager: PID=6092 TID=8284 The source files could not be found; their location must be specified using the /source option to restore the feature. - GetCbsErrorMsg
2017-07-12 16:41:00, Error                 DISM   DISM Package Manager: PID=6092 TID=8284 Failed to restore the image health. - CPackageManagerCLIHandler::ProcessCmdLine_CleanupImage(hr:0x800f081f)
2017-07-12 16:41:00, Error                 DISM   DISM Package Manager: PID=6092 TID=8284 Failed while processing command cleanup-image. - CPackageManagerCLIHandler::ExecuteCmdLine(hr:0x800f081f)




Windows Central 有一篇关于如何使用 Dism 修复图像的文章

这篇文章提到使用 /restorehealth 和 install.wim 文件源。根据他们的说法,我最初的建议是正确的:语法需要调整(下面的屏幕截图来自他们的文章)。



我使用 dism 很多次了——虽然从来没有用于这个特定目的——而且我经常使用 /source 选项。根据我的经验,这个错误表示文件路径中有拼写错误或语法无效。



摆脱 WIM 并尝试:

