Ubuntu 16.04 Rclone v1.36
无法在本地同步两个目录。以 root 身份运行,我可以写入目录。
root@ubuntu:/var/sxsroot/data/spi/spi--sftp-ftp.laserwords.com/Document# rclone sync /tmp/source /tmp/destination
2017/08/29 02:27:51 NOTICE: Config file "/root/.config/rclone/rclone.conf" not found - using defaults
2017/08/29 02:27:51 ERROR : Local file system at /tmp/destination: not deleting files as there were IO errors
2017/08/29 02:27:51 ERROR : Attempt 1/3 failed with 0 errors and: error reading source directory "": directory not found
2017/08/29 02:27:51 ERROR : Local file system at /tmp/destination: not deleting files as there were IO errors
2017/08/29 02:27:51 ERROR : Attempt 2/3 failed with 0 errors and: error reading source directory "": directory not found
2017/08/29 02:27:51 ERROR : Local file system at /tmp/destination: not deleting files as there were IO errors
2017/08/29 02:27:51 ERROR : Attempt 3/3 failed with 0 errors and: error reading source directory "": directory not found
2017/08/29 02:27:51 Failed to sync: error reading source directory "": directory not found
root@ubuntu:/var/sxsroot/data/spi/spi--sftp-ftp.laserwords.com/Document# ls /tmp/source
root@ubuntu:/var/sxsroot/data/spi/spi--sftp-ftp.laserwords.com/Document# ls /tmp/destination
附言:有声望 1500 以上的人士可以为 rclone 创建标签吗?
当我使用我的主目录 ~ 而不是 tmp 时,这一切都正常。
询问 Rclone 频道后我得到了以下答复:
也许您对 /tmp 有一些限制挂载选项?