“rm -rf” 起什么作用?

“rm -rf” 起什么作用?

我见过 rm -r、rm -f 和 rm 命令。我想知道 rm -rf 是做什么的,我找遍了所有地方,似乎找不到答案


rm 命令删除文件。-r 选项将执行递归删除,而 选项-f将删除文件而不提示您确认是否要删除它们,即使由于文件权限,系统会提示您是否要删除它们。例如,如果您输入rm -rf somedirectory,该命令将删除名为 somedirectory 的目录下的所有文件和子目录以及该目录本身。使用-r-f选项时需要小心,否则您可能会删除比预期多得多的内容。您可以通过man rm输入终端窗口将显示手册页用于命令。


它会删除东西...rm 是删除...所以不要使用它,特别是当你在根目录中时,一定要小心:备份是好的,正确使用时它非常有用...



您应该使用“command --help”来获取有关任何命令的更多信息,其中本例中的命令是 rm

例如 rm --help

$ rm --help Usage: rm [OPTION]... [FILE]... Remove (unlink) the FILE(s).

-f, --force ignore nonexistent files and arguments, never prompt -i prompt before every removal -I prompt once before removing more than three files, or when removing recursively; less intrusive than -i, while still giving protection against most mistakes --interactive[=WHEN] prompt according to WHEN: never, once (-I), or always (-i); without WHEN, prompt always --one-file-system when removing a hierarchy recursively, skip any directory that is on a file system different from that of the corresponding command line argument --no-preserve-root do not treat '/' specially --preserve-root do not remove '/' (default) -r, -R, --recursive remove directories and their contents recursively -d, --dir remove empty directories -v, --verbose explain what is being done --help display this help and exit --version output version information and exit

By default, rm does not remove directories. Use the --recursive (-r or -R) option to remove each listed directory, too, along with all of its contents.

To remove a file whose name starts with a '-', for example '-foo', use one of these commands: rm -- -foo

rm ./-foo

Note that if you use rm to remove a file, it might be possible to recover some of its contents, given sufficient expertise and/or time. For greater assurance that the contents are truly unrecoverable, consider using shred.

GNU coreutils online help: http://www.gnu.org/software/coreutils/ Full documentation at: http://www.gnu.org/software/coreutils/rm or available locally via: info '(coreutils) rm invocation'
