Book 28, Number 3846:
we can go to school today
Book 27, Number 3847:
he is very sick
Book 28, Number 3848:
today is holday
Book 22, Number 3849:
hello my name is abc
Book 28, Number 3850:
thank you dear
Book 28, Number 3851:
what is your name
如何使用记事本中的 RegEx 在书籍行中添加一些文本?
Book 28, Number 3846: ###
we can go to school today
Book 28, Number 3847: ###
he is very sick
Book 28, Number 3848: ###
today is holday
Book 28, Number 3849: ###
hello my name is abc
Book 28, Number 3850: ###
thank you dear
Book 28, Number 3851: ###
what is your name
假设所有需要附加文本的行都以 Book 开头,而其他行不以 Book 开头,则可以使用以下正则表达式:
搜索: (^Book \d.+$)
替换为: $1 ###
( ) = Capture group. Everything it finds is stored as $1
^ = This must occur at the start of the line.
Book = Match the word Book, followed by a space
\d = The next character(s) must be a digit.
.+ = The next characters must be anything
$ = Until the end of the line is reached.
通过用 $1 替换您的文本,相同的文本将附加到以书号开头的每一行。