yum + 连接被拒绝

yum + 连接被拒绝

我可以通过 yum 安装以下命令 ntp rpm,但在 yum 安装之前,我收到如下失败行:

 yum install ntp
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http://linux02.sys65dns.com/DIR/centos7/repodata/repomd.xml: [Errno 14] curl#7 - "Failed connect to linux02.sys65dns.com:80; Connection refused"
Trying other mirror.
http://linux02.sys65dns.com/DIR/centos7/repodata/repomd.xml: [Errno 14] curl#7 - "Failed connect to linux02.sys65dns.com:80; Connection refused"
Trying other mirror.
http://linux02.sys65dns.com/DIR/centos7/repodata/repomd.xml: [Errno 14] curl#7 - "Failed connect to linux02.sys65dns.com:80; Connection refused"
Trying other mirror.
http://linux02.sys65dns.com/DIR/centos7/repodata/repomd.xml: [Errno 14] curl#7 - "Failed connect to linux02.sys65dns.com:80; Connection refused"
Trying other mirror.
http://linux02.sys65dns.com/DIR/centos7/repodata/repomd.xml: [Errno 14] curl#7 - "Failed connect to linux02.sys65dns.com:80; Connection refused"
Trying other mirror.
http://linux02.sys65dns.com/DIR/centos7/repodata/repomd.xml: [Errno 14] curl#7 - "Failed connect to linux02.sys65dns.com:80; Connection refused"
Trying other mirror.
http://linux02.sys65dns.com/DIR/centos7/repodata/repomd.xml: [Errno 14] curl#7 - "Failed connect to linux02.sys65dns.com:80; Connection refused"



域 linux.sys65dns.com 无效。如果它来自镜像列表,请尝试yum clean all并重试。



  1. 回到顶部yum clean all并尝试再次安装 ntp。出于测试目的,尝试安装不同的包。
  2. 如果上述操作失败,请尝试 ping 你的服务器:ping linux02.sys65dns.com
  3. 如果出现上述情况,请尝试在 Web 浏览器中打开它,以检查端口 80 是否正常工作或者您是否也可以进行 telnet。
  4. 如果没有,请检查服务器上的 apache 服务以及端口 80 是否打开。您还可以检查 ports.conf 以查看 apache 是否配置为在端口 80 或其他端口上运行。
